richstu / nano2pico

Code to produce analysis ntuples (pico) from the CMS NanoAOD.
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Utility package for converting CMS NanoAOD to analysis-ready ntuples called "pico". These have been used in the HH+MET and H to Zgamma analyses.

Installation, environment, and compilation

If you are not on one of the UCSB servers, prerequisites that must be installed include CERN ROOT and optionally Scons for building nano2pico. Assuming your ROOT environment is active, you can build nano2pico after cloning this repository by running scons if you have Scons installed, or by running otherwise.

If you are using one of the UCSB servers that supports CMSSW (e.g. cms1,cms3,cms4,cms5...), you can use the following commands to install nano2pico and set up the environment:

# Setup git version for SL6.5
. /cvmfs/;cd /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/CMSSW_10_2_11_patch1/src;eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`;cd -
# Clone git
git clone --recurse-submodules
# If did not use recurse at clone, use following command: git submodule update --init --remote --recursive
# Setup environemnt

You can then compile via scons or


Variables stored in the pico can be seen in variables/pico. For an overview of the available branches, see the dedicated section at the bottom of this README.

To see the sizes and number of files in all available productions do:

  ./scripts/ -f /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/

How does nano2pico work?

This package is used to do the Nano -> pico conversion in three steps in order to allow parallelizing the production at the sub-dataset level:

  1. All variables and event weights (except normalization) are calculated using src/process_nano.cxx. For Monte Carlo events, this step also keeps a tally of the weights for all events in the file being run over as input to the next step. For data events, only this step is needed.
  2. The sums of weights from step 1 are further aggregate to get the total per dataset. A correction is then calculated to ensure that the weights do not change the total expected number of events for the dataset. This is done in src/merge_corrections.cxx. The luminosity normalization weight w_lumi to be applied to get the yield in 1fb-1 is also calculated for each dataset in this step.
  3. The raw_pico files from step 1 are corrected by the per-dataset correction factors derived in step 2 and written to the unskimmed folder.

At this point, various skims can be made as defined in scripts/

Note: The input path in which the input NanoAOD files are stored as well as the output path are analyzed to determine the behavior of nano2pico. To run with settings for the Higgs to Z gamma analysis, the 'out_dir' should contian "zgamma" in its name. To run on custom NanoAODv9 files, the input directory must contain "NanoAODv9UCSB" in its name.

Interactive test usage

Define some paths, e.g.:

export INDIR=/net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/nano/2016/TChiHH/
export INFILE=SMS-TChiHH_mChi-1000_mLSP-1_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8__RunIISummer16NanoAODv5__PUSummer16v3Fast_94X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v3-v1.root

Step 1. Make an output directory out/ with subdirectories wgt_sums and raw_pico. Produce raw pico ntuple from a nano input file:

./ && ./run/process_nano.exe --in_file $INFILE --in_dir $INDIR --out_dir out/ --nent 10000

:bangbang: Code functionality relies on the input NanoAOD filename! Specifically, INFILE is parsed for:

Step 2. If you are using data, you are done! If you are using MC, for each dataset, add up the sums of weights obtained for each file in step 1 and calculate the corrections needed to normalize each individual weight as well as the total weight. Note that the order of options is fixed with the arguments after the first being the input files. This is to allow arbitrary number of input files. Note that again functionality depends on the naming, e.g. correction file name is used to decide what cross-section to use. Make subdirectory corrections in out.

./ && ./run/merge_corrections.exe out/corrections/corr_$INFILE out/wgt_sums/wgt_sums_$INFILE

Step 3. Make subdirectory unskimmed inout`. Using the pico file from step 1 and the corrections file from step 2 as input, we can renormalize the weight branches as follows:

./ && ./run/apply_corrections.exe --in_file raw_pico_$INFILE --in_dir out/raw_pico/ --corr_file corr_$INFILE

Batch system usage

nano2pico supports batch system usage to process many datasets in parallel. Currently, this system is only configured for use at UCSB, and must be modified if nano2pico is being run on another system.

While previous versions of nano2pico used the custom UCSB batch system, the current version now uses HTCondor. For this reason, jobs must be run on the cms11 server. To get permission to run jobs on HTCondor, please contact Jaebak.

Step 0. Setup environment


Step 1. Converting Nano to Pico:

First, generate a text file containing the datasets in DAS format (this is produced by copy_dataset) or the filenames to be processed, one per line. If you use filenames, you must add the argument --list_format filename when invoking scripts/

Next, generate a python file that prints the commands to be run in the batch (input for the queue system):

./scripts/ --in_dir /mnt/hadoop/pico/NanoAODv5/nano/2016/mc/ \
                                      --production higgsino_angeles \
                                      --dataset_list datasets/higgsino_2016_mc_dataset_list.txt

or for signal, just specify the appropriate input folder and omit the --dataset_list argument to run on all files in the input folder.

To run on data, use --list_format filename in order to interpret the lines in the file passes to --dataset_list as a list of filenames with wildcards. For an example file, see txt/datasets/higgsino_data_infile_list.txt. For example:

./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/nano/2016/data/ \
                                     --production higgsino_humboldt \
                                     --dataset_list txt/datasets/higgsino_data_infile_list.txt \
                                     --list_format filename

This produces the commands in You can perform a last check by running one of the commands interactively. Next, submit the jobs to the batch system. Note the -c option which allows to attach a script that compares the input and output number of entries when each job is done. Note the check can be performed later if one needs to detach the session. Alternatively, this command can be started in screen: process_nano_cmds.json -c scripts/

For data use the scripts/ like below process_nano_cmds.json -c scripts/

If the above script is interrupted, one can check whether the jobs were successful later on by passing the json produced by to auto_higgsino_angeles.json -c scripts/

This command will result in checked_auto_higgsino_angeles.json, which can then be used to resubmit failed jobs if any: checked_auto_higgsino_angeles.json -c scripts/ resubmit_checked_auto_higgsino_angeles.json -c scripts/ 

One can also resume the like below auto_higgsino_angeles.json -c scripts/ -o auto_higgsino_angeles.json

If processing Monte Carlo, then proceed to steps 2 and 3 (MC). If processing data, proceed directly to step 4.

Step 2 (MC). Merge sums of weights

For example:

./scripts/ --wgt_dir /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/higgsino_angeles/2016/mc/wgt_sums/ \
                               --corr_dir /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/higgsino_angeles/2016/mc/corrections/ 

Step 3 (MC). Submit the weight correction jobs

To generate the commands use:

./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/higgsino_angeles/2016/mc/raw_pico/

Follow similar process as in Step 1 to submit the commands as batch jobs.

Step 4. Making skims

It's recommended to start with a relatively inclusive skim which would then serve as the starting point for tighter skims to minimize total time spent on skimming. For example:

./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/higgsino_angeles/2016/TChiHH/skim_higloose/ \
                             --skim_name higtight \
                             --tag apples skim_hightight_cmds_apples.json -c scripts/

The skim names are defined in scripts/ If defining a new skim, please commit the definition!! This eliminates confusion of what is in various folders on disk later on.

The argument --tag is optional. It is used to differentiate the JSON files created by the queue system in case of running multiple skims of the same type. It will not affect the folder structure.

Use --overwrite to run over all files even if output already exists. Otherwise, restarting the process of batch submission will skip files that have already been processed. Note that if you just re-issue the with the original json file WILL overwrite. To omit files with existing output re-start from this step.

Note that this step works also on slims produced by Step 5.

Step 5. Making slims

Finally, one can remove branches that are not commonly used and merge all files pertaining to one dataset into a single file to further reduce size and speed up making plots. For example:

./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/higgsino_angeles/2016/mc/skim_met150/ \
                                       --slim_name higmc

Here the slim name must correspond to a txt file in the slim_rules folder, so in this example txt/slim_rules/higmc.txt. The file contains the list of branches to be dropped/kept.

Similarly to above, one can optionally use --overwrite or --tag.

Step 6. Prior to DNN training: Prepare tree with DNN inputs (deprecated)

For the higgsino analysis, one can prepare a tree with all the necessary DNN inputs for either training or inference using the executable make_higfeats.exe, and in the batch system, e.g.:

./scripts/ ./scripts/ \
           -i /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/higgsino_eldorado/2017/mc/merged_higmc_higloose/ \
           -o /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/higgsino_eldorado/2017/mc/higfeats_higloose/ \
           -e ./run/make_higfeats.exe -t mc2017

As usual, the tag is optional and only relevant for the filename of the resulting cmd file.

Step 7. After DNN evaluation: Merge pico with DNN output (deprecated)

After training the DNN and evaluating its output for all samples of interest using the diboson_ml package, one can update the corresponding pico trees to add a new branch containing the DNN output. This relies on having the events in the same order, so one has to update the pico ntuples used as input to higfeats! Given it is rather quick, it's done interactively.

For now, copy the input folder just in case...

cp -r /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/higgsino_eldorado/2016/mc/merged_higmc_higloose/ \
./scripts/ \
     --pico_dir /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/higgsino_eldorado/2016/mc/mergednn_higmc_higloose/ \
     --dnnout_dir /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/higgsino_eldorado/2016/mc/dnnout_higloose/

Calculating b-tagging efficiencies (deprecated)

Use parameterize_efficiency.cxx, giving the directory with all the MC files and the year as arguments. Below is an example run for 2016 MC.

./ && ./run/parameterize_efficiency.exe -i /mnt/hadoop/jbkim/2019_09_30/2016/mc/ -y 2016

Description of pico branches

This section describes the event content (branches) of pico n-tuples.

:blue_book: Documentation of the Nano variables used as input throughout the code can be found here.


Filled by various files including event_tools, jetmet_producer, and process_nano:


Filled in jetmet_producer:


Calculated in mu_producer:

Calculated in el_producer:


Calculated in photon_producer:


Calculated in tk_producer:

Higgsino (HH->4b+MET) candidates

Using the 4-jet with highest DeepCSV, calculate the higgsino variables for the three possible pairings. The 0th index stores the pairing with smalled Delta m

Same variables using the 4-jet with highest DeepFlavour discriminant value are stored in:

Higgs to Z gamma-related variables

Calculated in dilep_producer and zgamma_producer.

Higgsino (HH->bbgammagamma+MET) candidates





Previously calculated in many dedicated files, but for UL, now calculated in event_weighter and trigger_weighter and then re-normalized in subsequent production steps:


The final trigger menus from each year from a post on the Trigger HN: 2016, 2017, 2018. Trigger menus for run 3: 2022?, 2023.

Calcalated in event_tools.

Systematic uncertainties

For the following uncertainties the indices correspond to 0=JER up, 1=JER down, 2=JES up, 3=JES down.

For the following uncertainties the indices correspond to 0=JER up, 1=JER down, 2=JES up, 3=JES down, 4=unclustered energy up, 5=unclustered energy down, 6=lepton/photon up, 7=lepton/photon down

Spliting Higgsino signal

Step 0. Setup environment


Step . Correct FastSim JEC on NanoAODs / Add variations on FullSIM signal

./scripts/ --inputNanoAodFolder /net/cms25/cms25r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit
                                              --outputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection

./scripts/ --inputNanoAodFolder /net/cms25/cms25r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit
                                              --outputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection

./scripts/ --inputNanoAodFolder /net/cms25/cms25r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit
                                              --outputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection
./scripts/ --inputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-T5qqqqZH_unsplit
                                              --outputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-T5qqqqZH_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection

./scripts/ --inputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-T5qqqqZH_unsplit
                                              --outputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-T5qqqqZH_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection

./scripts/ --inputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-T5qqqqZH_unsplit
                                              --outputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-T5qqqqZH_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection
                                              --commandFilename apply_fastsim_jmeCorrection_2016.json -c scripts/ apply_fastsim_jmeCorrection_2017.json -c scripts/ apply_fastsim_jmeCorrection_2018.json -c scripts/

For FullSIM,

./scripts/ --inputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-T5qqqqZH_FullSim
                                              --outputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-T5qqqqZH_FullSimJmeVariations
./scripts/ --inputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-T5qqqqZH_FullSim
                                              --outputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-T5qqqqZH_FullSimJmeVariations
./scripts/ --inputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-T5qqqqZH_FullSim
                                              --outputNanoAodFolder /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-T5qqqqZH_FullSimJmeVariations
                                              --commandFilename apply_fullsim_jmecorrection_2016.json -c scripts/ apply_fullsim_jmecorrection_2017.json -c scripts/ apply_fullsim_jmecorrection_2018.json -c scripts/

Step 1. Split scan

Generate a python file that prints the commands to be run in the batch (input for the queue system):

./scripts/ --two_dim
                                                 --in_dir /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/nano/2016/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/nano/2016/SMS-TChiHH_2D 
                                                 --dataset_filenames SMS-TChiHH_*_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8__RunIISummer16NanoAODv5__PUSummer16v3Fast_Nano1June2019_102X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v7-v1_*.root
./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-TChiHH_2D_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --dataset_filenames SMS-TChiHH_HToBB_HToBB_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8__RunIISummer16NanoAODv7__PUSummer16v3Fast_Nano02Apr2020_102X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v8-v1*.root
./scripts/ --two_dim --in_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-TChiHH_2D_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --dataset_filenames SMS-TChiHH_HToBB_HToBB_2D_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8__RunIISummer16NanoAODv7__PUSummer16v3Fast_Nano02Apr2020_102X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v8-v1*.root
./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-TChiHH_2D_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --dataset_filenames SMS-TChiHH_HToBB_HToBB_TuneCP2_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8__RunIIFall17NanoAODv7__PUFall17Fast_Nano02Apr2020_102X_mc2017_realistic_v8-v1*.root
./scripts/ --two_dim --in_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-TChiHH_2D_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --dataset_filenames SMS-TChiHH_HToBB_HToBB_2D_TuneCP2_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8__RunIIFall17NanoAODv7__PUFall17Fast_Nano02Apr2020_102X_mc2017_realistic_v8-v1*.root
./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-TChiHH_2D_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --dataset_filenames SMS-TChiHH_HToBB_HToBB_TuneCP2_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8__RunIIAutumn18NanoAODv7__PUFall18Fast_Nano02Apr2020_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v21-v1*.root
./scripts/ --two_dim --in_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-TChiHH_2D_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --dataset_filenames SMS-TChiHH_HToBB_HToBB_2D_TuneCP2_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8__RunIIAutumn18NanoAODv7__PUFall18Fast_Nano02Apr2020_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v21-v1*.root
                                                 --out_cmd_filename -c -n cms1

model in the below commands are use for globbing files in the input directory.

./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-T5qqqqZH_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-T5qqqqZH_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --model "SMS-T5qqqqZH_HToBB-mGluino"
./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-T5qqqqZH_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-T5qqqqZH_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --model "SMS-T5qqqqZH_HToBB-mN2" split_gluino_2016.json split_gluino_2016.json -c -n cms1 split_gluino_mN2_2016.json split_gluino_mN2_2016.json -c -n cms1

./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-T5qqqqZH_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-T5qqqqZH_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --model "SMS-T5qqqqZH_HToBB-mGluino"
./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-T5qqqqZH_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-T5qqqqZH_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --model "SMS-T5qqqqZH_HToBB-mN2"

./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-T5qqqqZH_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-T5qqqqZH_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --model "SMS-T5qqqqZH_HToBB-mGluino"
./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-T5qqqqZH_unsplit_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-T5qqqqZH_fastSimJmeCorrection 
                                                 --model "SMS-T5qqqqZH_HToBB-mN2"
./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms25/cms25r5/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms25/cms25r5/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-TChiHH_2D 
                                                 --dataset_filenames SMS-TChiHH_HToBB_HToBB_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8__RunIISummer16NanoAODv7__PUSummer16v3Fast_Nano02Apr2020_102X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v8-v1*.root
./scripts/ --two_dim --in_dir /net/cms25/cms25r5/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms25/cms25r5/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-TChiHH_2D 
                                                 --dataset_filenames SMS-TChiHH_HToBB_HToBB_2D_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8__RunIISummer16NanoAODv7__PUSummer16v3Fast_Nano02Apr2020_102X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v8-v1*.root
./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms25/cms25r5/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms25/cms25r5/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-TChiHH_2D 
                                                 --dataset_filenames SMS-TChiHH_HToBB_HToBB_TuneCP2_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8__RunIIFall17NanoAODv7__PUFall17Fast_Nano02Apr2020_102X_mc2017_realistic_v8-v1*.root
./scripts/ --two_dim --in_dir /net/cms25/cms25r5/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms25/cms25r5/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2017/SMS-TChiHH_2D 
                                                 --dataset_filenames SMS-TChiHH_HToBB_HToBB_2D_TuneCP2_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8__RunIIFall17NanoAODv7__PUFall17Fast_Nano02Apr2020_102X_mc2017_realistic_v8-v1*.root
./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms25/cms25r5/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms25/cms25r5/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-TChiHH_2D 
                                                 --dataset_filenames SMS-TChiHH_HToBB_HToBB_TuneCP2_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8__RunIIAutumn18NanoAODv7__PUFall18Fast_Nano02Apr2020_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v21-v1*.root
./scripts/ --two_dim --in_dir /net/cms25/cms25r5/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-TChiHH_2D_unsplit 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms25/cms25r5/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2018/SMS-TChiHH_2D 
                                                 --dataset_filenames SMS-TChiHH_HToBB_HToBB_2D_TuneCP2_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8__RunIIAutumn18NanoAODv7__PUFall18Fast_Nano02Apr2020_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v21-v1*.root
                                                 --out_cmd_filename -c

[cms25] ./scripts/ 
Should check log file for error, segmentation..

Dataset name needs to be writen out like above. This produces the commands in You can perform a last check by running one of the commands interactively. Next, submit the jobs to the batch system. Note the -c option which allows to attach a script that compares the input and output number of entries when each job is done. Note the check can be performed later if one needs to detach the session. Alternatively, this command can be started in screen: -c scripts/

This command will result in, which can then be used to resubmit failed jobs if any: -c scripts/ -c scripts/
./scripts/ --in_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-T5qqqqZH_FullSim_unsplit 
                                                 --target_dir /net/cms24/cms24r0/pico/NanoAODv7/nano/2016/SMS-T5qqqqZH_FullSim 
                                                 --model "SMS-T5qqqqZH-mGluino"

Getting Higgsino cross-section

Step 1. Download cross-section files

scp -r lxplus:/afs/ cross_section

Step 2. Fix bug in script

Set masses, xsecs, xsecUncs to 0 when initializing.

cd cross_section
sed -i 's/std::vector<double>\* masses;/std::vector<double>\* masses=0;/' get_gaugino.C
sed -i 's/std::vector<double>\* xsecs;/std::vector<double>\* xsecs=0;/' get_gaugino.C
sed -i 's/std::vector<double>\* xsecUncs;/std::vector<double>\* xsecUncs=0;/' get_gaugino.C

Getting Gluino cross-section

wget scripts/

Step 3. Run script for all mass points.

Use model "CN" (mixing) or "N1N2" (no mixing).

cd cross_section
../scripts/ -i /net/cms29/cms29r0/pico/NanoAODv5/nano/2016/SMS-TChiHH_2D --model "N1N2"

Tagging code with git

Confirm tags: git tag

Add a lightweight tag: git tag <tagname>

Pushing tag: git push origin <tagname>

Deleting tag: git tag -d <tagname> and git push origin --delete <tagname>

Checking out tag: git checkout <tagname>

Update submodule

In case didn't checkout submodule: git submodule init and git submodule update

Update all submodules: git submodule update --recursive --remote --merge and then commit.


Validation is done by running ./script/produce_unit_test* on nano2pico code versions and then using ./script/validate_unit_test* to compare between results.

Below are examples

# Compares picos file between old code and new code. Also compares production time.
[In old code folder] ./scripts/ --output_folder unit_test_htozgamma_nanoaodv9 --output_log unit_test_htozgamma_nanoaodv9.log
[In new code folder] ./scripts/ --output_folder unit_test_htozgamma_nanoaodv9 --output_log unit_test_htozgamma_nanoaodv9.log
./scripts/ --output_log_filename validate_unit_test_htozgamma_nanoaodv9.log --unit_test_log_filename unit_test_htozgamma_nanoaodv9.log --golden_base_folder OLD_CODE/unit_test_htozgamma_nanoaodv9 --validate_base_folder NEW_CODE/unit_test_htozgamma_nanoaodv9

# Compares cross section between old code and new code.
[In old code folder] ./scripts/ --output_log unit_test_cross_section.log
[In new code folder] ./scripts/ --output_log unit_test_cross_section.log
./scripts/ --output_filename validate_unit_test_cross_section.log --golden_cross_section_log OLD_CODE/unit_test_cross_section.log --validate_cross_section_log NEW_CODE/unit_test_cross_section.log