rickecon / StructEst_W20

MACS 40200 (Winter 2020): Structural Estimation
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MACS 40200: Structural Estimation (Winter 2020)

Dr. Richard Evans
Email rwevans@uchicago.edu
Office 1155 S. 60th St., Room 217
Office Hours T 10:30am-12:30pm
GitHub rickecon


Advanced undergraduate or first-year graduate microeconomic theory, statistics, linear algebra, multivariable calculus, recommended coding experience.

Recommended Texts (not required)

Course description

The purpose of this course is to give students experience estimating parameters of structural models. We will define the respective differences, strengths, and weaknesses of structural modeling and estimation versus reduced form modeling and estimation. We will focus on structural estimation. Methods will include taking parameters from other studies (weak calibration), estimating parameters to match moments from the data (GMM, strong calibration), simulating the model to match moments from the data (SMM, indirect inference), maximum likelihood estimation of parameters, and questions of model uncertainty and robustness. We will focus on both obtaining point estimates as well as getting an estimate of the variance-covariance matrix of the point estimates.

The examples in the course will come from economics, but the material will be presented in a general way in order to allow students to apply the methods to estimating structural model parameters in any field. We will focus on computing solutions to estimation problems. Students can use whatever programming language they want, but I highly recommend you use Python 3.x (Anaconda distribution). I will be most helpful with code debugging and suggestions in Python. We will also study results and uses from recent papers listed in the "References" section below. The dates on which we will be covering those references are listed in the "Daily Course Outline" section below.

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes


Grades will be based on the four categories listed below with the corresponding weights.

Assignment Points Percent
Problem Sets 40 57.2%
Project initial presentation 5 7.1%
Project final presentation 5 7.1%
Project paper 20 28.6%
Total points 70 100.0%

Assignment submission procedure

This folder on your fork of the class repository github.com/YourGitHubHandle/StructEst_W20/ProblemSets/ is where you will submit your problem sets and project assignments. You will just commit and push your assignments to the appropriate folder. For example, your files for PS1 should be committed to the PS1 folder on your fork of the class repository.


I will use a shell script to clone all class members' repositories at the time the assignments are due.

Daily Course Schedule

Date Day Topic Readings Homework
Jan. 6 M Introduction Slides PS1
Jan. 8 W Git and GitHub intro tutorial
Structural vs. reduced form disc. K2010, R2010
Jan. 13 M Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) Notebk PS2
Jan. 15 W Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
Jan. 20 M No class (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
Jan. 22 W Compare ML and GMM FMS1995
Jan. 27 M Generalized method of moments (GMM) Notebk PS3
Jan. 29 W Generalized method of moments (GMM)
Feb. 3 M Generalized method of moments (GMM) H1982
Feb. 5 W Simulated Method of Moments (SMM) Notebk PS4
Feb. 10 M Simulated Method of Moments (SMM) DM2004
Feb. 12 W Proposal guidelines, example presentation, topics Slides
Feb. 17 M Workshop presentations, sign up
Feb. 19 W Student proposal presentation Prop
Feb. 24 M Project: Data Description Slides, B2017
ASV2013, R1987
Feb. 26 W Project: Model Description Slides, DEP2019
Mar. 2 M Project: Estimation Section Slides
Mar. 4 W Project: Concl., Intro., Abstract Slides
Mar. 9 M Student project consultations
Mar. 10 T Student project presentations Prsnt
Mar. 11 W Student project presentations Prsnt
Mar. 12 Th Student project write-up is due (5pm) Proj


Disability services

If you need any special accommodations, please provide us with a copy of your Accommodation Determination Letter (provided to you by the Student Disability Services office) as soon as possible so that you may discuss with me how your accommodations may be implemented in this course.