rickselby / conelanders

Website for holding the conelanders league results
1 stars 0 forks source link


Website to handle the Conelanders racing league events and results


Tag-based cache that's NOT apc. APC can't be altered from the command line, so the dirt rally import scripts can't actually clear the cache. On redis now...


composer install
bower install
chmod -R 777 storage bootstrap/cache

cd resources/assets/bower/Sortable
npm install
node_modules/grunt/bin/grunt jquery:min
rm -rf node_modules

... set up .env ...

./artisan migrate --database=migrate
./artisan permissions:update


* * * * * /path/to/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Queue listener

Dirt imports can be slow, so we need a long timeout

./artisan queue:listen --timeout=600

Assetto Corsa server management

  1. Add a user for running the assetto corsa server, e.g. assettocorsa
  2. Install the AC server as this user - https://b.joaoubaldo.com/installing-assetto-corsa-dedicated-server-in-linux-post/
  3. Get the linux script to control AC - https://github.com/p3t3c/AssettoCorsaLinuxScripts
    Put it somewhere sensible - like /home/assettocorsa/
  4. Add an entry to sudoers (perhaps as a file in /etc/sudoers.d/?) to allow the web user to run the control script without prompting for a password:
    www-data ALL = (assettocorsa) NOPASSWD: /home/assettocorsa/server.sh
  5. Set up the path to server.sh and the config files in .env

I think that was it? Hope so.