Easily build big and bigger forms with minimal effort
This library aids in building bigger forms on-the-fly. Forms with large number of elements can easily be added programmatically within a few minutes.
Add this in your app's build.gradle file:
compile 'me.riddhimanadib.form-master:form-master:1.1.0'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:descendantFocusability="beforeDescendants" />
// initialize variables
mRecyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.recyclerView);
mFormBuilder = new FormBuildHelper(this, mRecyclerView);
// declare form elements FormHeader header = FormHeader.createInstance("Personal Info"); FormElementTextEmail element = FormElementTextEmail.createInstance().setTitle("Email").setHint("Enter Email");
// add them in a list
// build and display the form mFormBuilder.addFormElements(formItems); mFormBuilder.refreshView();
3. Now build and run!!
### Changelog
1. New FormElement type: Switch.
2. New way to define the form elements.
2. Can set Titles in alert dialogs for Date and Time type form element.
3. Can set Positive and negative texts for Date, Time and Switch type form elements.
4. Can set Date and Time formats (if unset, default format will be used).
## Reference
### Item Definition
#### Header:
``` 'java'
FormHeader header = FormHeader.createInstance("Personal Info");
General object format
<Class> element = <Class>.createInstance()
.setTag(101123151) // optional tag to uniquely identify the elemnt for later use
.setType(FormElement.TYPE_PICKER_MULTI_CHECKBOX) // setting input type
.setTitle("Pick your favourite fruit") // setting title
.setValue("Banana") // setting value of the field, if any
.setOptions(fruits) // setting pickable options, if any
.setHint("e.g. banana, guava etc") // setting hints, if any
.setRequired(false); // marking if the form element is required to be filled to make the form valid, include if needed
// email input
FormElementTextEmail element = FormElementTextEmail.createInstance().setTitle("Email").setHint("Enter Email");
// phone number input
FormElementTextPhone element = FormElementTextPhone.createInstance().setTitle("Phone").setValue("+8801712345678");
// single line text input
FormElementTextSingleLine element = FormElementTextSingleLine.createInstance().setTitle("Location").setValue("Dhaka");
// multi line text input (default 4)
FormElementTextMultiLine element = FormElementTextMultiLine.createInstance().setTitle("Address");
// number element input
FormElementTextNumber element = FormElementTextNumber.createInstance().setTitle("Zip Code").setValue("1000");
// date picker input
FormElementPickerDate element = FormElementPickerDate.createInstance().setTitle("Date").setDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy");
// time picker input
FormElementPickerTime element = FormElementPickerTime.createInstance().setTitle("Time").setTimeFormat("KK hh");
// password input
FormElementTextPassword element = FormElementTextPassword.createInstance().setTitle("Password").setValue("abcd1234");
// switch input
FormElementSwitch element = FormElementSwitch.createInstance().setTitle("Frozen?").setSwitchTexts("Yes", "No");
// single item picker input
List<String> fruits = new ArrayList<>();
FormElementPickerSingle element = FormElementPickerSingle.createInstance().setTitle("Single Item").setOptions(fruits).setPickerTitle("Pick any item");
// multiple items picker input
List<String> fruits = new ArrayList<>();
FormElementPickerMulti element = FormElementPickerMulti.createInstance().setTitle("Multi Items").setOptions(fruits).setPickerTitle("Pick one or more").setNegativeText("reset");
While creating new instance of FormBuildHelper, add a listener in the constructor
Have a look at the example code for details
FormBuildHelper mFormBuilder = new FormBuildHelper(this, mRecyclerView, new OnFormElementValueChangedListener() {
public void onValueChanged(FormElement formElement) {
// do anything here with formElement.getValue()
Just add a unique tag for the element
FormElement element = FormElement.createInstance()
.setTag(2149) // unique tag number to identify this element
.setTitle("Pick your favourite fruit");
Use the unique tag assigned earlier to retrieve value (See examples in this repo)
FormElement targetElement = mFormBuilder.getFormElement(2149);
String targetValue = targetElement.getValue();
Use this method if you need to check whether the required elements of the form is completed
mFormBuilder.isValidForm(); // returns boolean whether the form is valid or not
If you want to change the colors, just override the colors in your colors.xml file:
<color name="colorFormMasterHeaderBackground">#DDDDDD</color>
<color name="colorFormMasterHeaderText">#000000</color>
<color name="colorFormMasterElementBackground">#FFFFFF</color>
<color name="colorFormMasterElementTextTitle">#222222</color>
<color name="colorFormMasterElementTextValue">#000000</color>
<color name="colorFormMasterDivider">#DDDDDD</color>
If you want to change how the forms look, just override the layout xml named form_element.xml and/or form_element_header.xml in your project.
Just make sure to keep the ID name same as it is in the library for the components.
Send Pull Requests and you're in!! Alternatively, you can start adding issues here in this repo!
This Library is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.