riezebosch / vsts-tasks-packer

MIT License
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Install and execute packer as part of your build & release pipelines. preview

Release Notes


  • PackerTool: version optional, download latest version when not specified


  • Download 386 version on a ia32 architecture system
  • Default version for packer tool updated: 1.3.4 (should auto resolve that sometime)


  • Output variable for DeploymentName (so you can cleanup resources when Packer fails to do so).
  • Default version for packer tool updated: 1.3.3


  • Packer@V1 out of preview
  • Disable color for packer build by default with -color=false switch
  • Default version for packer tool updated: 1.3.2


  • Support for AWS in V1-peview.
  • Default version for packer tool updated: 1.3.1


  • Added additional output variables for OSDiskUriReadOnlySas, TemplateUri and TemplateUriReadOnlySas (when building VHD's)
  • Write variables as output so they're also available in YAML builds.


  • Write the capture url of the VHD to the OSDiskUri output variable so it is accessible for downstream tasks.

Packer Tool

Downloads & installs specified version of packer and adds it to the tool cache.


Execute packer commands. By selecting your Azure or AWS service connection, the authorization and values are resolved from that and provided as variables to your packer template.

Azure required variables:

data variable name
service principal id client_id
serivice principal key client_secret
subscription id subscription_id
tenant id tenant_id

AWS required variables:

data variable name
Access Key ID access_key
Secret Access Key secret_key

Note: The variable name is (currently) static and the template must therefor use this provided name. Luckily this matches the required input for the respective builders.

Example YAML

- repo: self
- task: riezebosch.Packer.PackerTool.PackerTool@0
- task: Packer@1
  displayName: 'Packer build'
    connectedServiceType: azure #azure|aws|none
    connectedServiceAzure: 'My Subscription'
    #connectedServiceAWS: 'aws demo'
    templatePath: linux.json
    #force: true|false Force a build to continue if artifacts exist, deletes existing artifacts
    variables: |+
    #variables-file: JSON file containing user variables.
    #options: Additional options, see Packer Commands (CLI)  for more information.

See Packer Commands (CLI) for more information.

Output Variables