Pour remplacer les espaces par une tabulation
sed 's/ {4}/\t/g' in > out
Pb with incomplete implementation of music21 / MEI
Files exported from Verovio contain "sameas" attributes
<clef xml:id="clef-0000000433116814" sameas="#clef-0000001214623909" />
Not implemented in music21. Fix: edit "base.py", find the def clefFromElement(elem, slurBundle=None) function and add a test (DO BETTER)
**Contained Elements not Implemented:** none
if 'perc' == elem.get('shape'):
theClef = clef.PercussionClef()
elif 'TAB' == elem.get('shape'):
theClef = clef.TabClef()
elif elem.get("sameas") is not None:
theClef = clef.clefFromString("F4")
theClef = clef.clefFromString(elem.get('shape') + elem.get('line'),
Hi there
Thanks a lot again and again for the great tool. I just tried the online conversion from MusicXML to MEI with Verovio. It looks fine in the verovio viewer. Then I import in in our library, and then the verovio display is wrong for some staves: the clef is missing and it seems that the G2 is assumed. See: