rigetti / qiskit-rigetti

Qiskit provider serving Rigetti hardware & simulator backends.
Apache License 2.0
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Tests Documentation Status pypi Binder

Rigetti Provider for Qiskit

Try It Out

To try out this library, you can run example notebooks in a pre-made binder. Alternately, you can run the following to build and run the image locally:

docker build -t qiskit-tutorials .
docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 qiskit-tutorials

then click on the link that is displayed after the container starts up.


  1. Install Docker
  2. Download qelib1.inc
  3. Place qelib1.inc in a folder called inc in the project root

Setup QVM and quilc

Using Docker Compose

Run docker compose up to see service logs or docker compose up -d to run in the background.

Using Docker Manually

  1. Start the QVM:

    docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 rigetti/qvm -S
  2. Start the compiler:

    docker run --rm -it -p 5555:5555 -v "$PWD"/inc:/inc rigetti/quilc -S -P --safe-include-directory /inc/



from qiskit import execute
from qiskit_rigetti import RigettiQCSProvider, QuilCircuit

# Get provider and backend
p = RigettiQCSProvider()
backend = p.get_simulator(num_qubits=2, noisy=True)  # or p.get_backend(name='Aspen-9')

# Create a Bell state circuit
circuit = QuilCircuit(2, 2)
circuit.cx(0, 1)
circuit.measure([0, 1], [0, 1])

# Execute the circuit on the backend
job = execute(circuit, backend, shots=10, coupling_map=backend.coupling_map)

# Grab results from the job
result = job.result()

# Return memory and counts
memory = result.get_memory(circuit)
counts = result.get_counts(circuit)
print("Result memory:", memory)
print("Result counts:", counts)

Rigetti Quantum Cloud Services (QCS)

Execution against a QPU requires a reservation via QCS. For more information on using QCS, see the QCS documentation.


Lifecycle Hooks

For advanced QASM and Quil manipulation, before_compile and before_execute keyword arguments can be passed to RigettiQCSBackend.run() or to Qiskit's execute().

Pre-compilation Hooks

Any before_compile hooks will apply, in order, just before compilation from QASM to native Quil. For example:


def custom_hook_1(qasm: str) -> str:
   new_qasm = ...
   return new_qasm

def custom_hook_2(qasm: str) -> str:
   new_qasm = ...
   return new_qasm

job = execute(circuit, backend, shots=10, before_compile=[custom_hook_1, custom_hook_2])


Pre-execution Hooks

Any before_execute hooks will apply, in order, just before execution (after translation from QASM to native Quil). For example:

from pyquil import Program


def custom_hook_1(quil: Program) -> Program:
   new_quil = ...
   return new_quil

def custom_hook_2(quil: Program) -> Program:
   new_quil = ...
   return new_quil

job = execute(circuit, backend, shots=10, before_execute=[custom_hook_1, custom_hook_2])



Only certain forms of Quil can can be executed on a QPU. If pre-execution transformations produce a final program that is not QPU-compliant, ensure_native_quil=True can be passed to execute() or RigettiQCSBackend.run() to recompile the final Quil program to native Quil prior to execution. If no pre-execution hooks were supplied, this setting is ignored. If this setting is omitted, a value of False is assumed.

Example: Adding the Quil instruction H 0 would result in an error if ensure_native_quil=False and the QPU does not natively implement Hadamard gates.

Built-in Hooks

The hooks.pre_compilation and hooks.pre_execution packages provide a number of convenient hooks:


Use set_rewiring to provide a rewiring directive to the Quil compiler. For example:

from qiskit_rigetti.hooks.pre_compilation import set_rewiring


job = execute(circuit, backend, shots=10, before_compile=[set_rewiring("NAIVE")])


Note: Rewiring directives require quilc version 1.25 or higher.


Use enable_active_reset to enable active qubit reset, an optimization that can significantly reduce the time between executions. For example:

from qiskit_rigetti.hooks.pre_execution import enable_active_reset


job = execute(circuit, backend, shots=10, before_execute=[enable_active_reset])



Note: This module is developed in Python 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10, other versions will currently fail type checking.

Dependencies are managed with Poetry so you need to install that first. Once you've installed all dependencies (poetry install) and activated the virtual environment (poetry shell), you can use these rules from the Makefile to run common tasks:

  1. Run tests: make test
  2. Check style and types: make check-all
  3. Check style only: make check-style
  4. Check types only: make check-types
  5. Reformat all code (to make check-style pass): make format
  6. Build documentation, serve locally, and watch for changes: make watch-docs (requires docs extra: poetry install -E docs)