riidefi / RiiStudio

Editor for various 3D model formats
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editor gamecube nintendo-hacking wii


Editor for various 3D model formats


Editable File Formats

Format Can Open Can Save
BMD Yes Yes
BRRES* Yes Yes
KMP Yes Yes
.bblm (bloom) Yes Yes
.bdof (Depth of Field) Yes Yes
.bfg (fog) Yes Yes
.blight (lighting) Yes Yes
.blmap (matcaps) Yes Yes
.btk WIP No

* MDL0, TEX0, SRT0, CHR0, CLR0, PAT0


Assimp supported formats like FBX and DAE can be imported as BMD/BRRES*.

* Currently limited to non-rigged models\

RiiStudio (as a C++ library) also supports

Format Can Open Can Save
U8 Yes Yes
SZS Yes Yes

Overview of source tree

An overview of the source code is available here

Command Line Interface

RiiStudio CLI Alpha 5.10.13 (Hotfix 4) (Built Aug 23 2023 at 21:50:26, Clang 16.0.5)
Usage: rszst.exe <COMMAND>

  import-brres      Import a .dae/.fbx file as .brres
  import-bmd        Import a .dae/.fbx file as .bmd
  decompress        Decompress a .szs file
  compress          Compress a file as .szs
  rhst2-brres       Convert a .rhst file to a .brres file
  rhst2-bmd         Convert a .rhst file to a .bmd file
  extract           Extract a .szs file to a folder
  create            Create a .szs file from a folder
  kmp-to-json       Dump a kmp as json
  json-to-kmp       Convert to kmp from json
  kcl-to-json       Dump a kcl as json
  dump-presets      Dump presets of a model to a folder
  optimize          Optimize a BRRES or BMD file
  help              Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Example: Optimizing an existing .brres file with default settings

rszst.exe optimize file.brres

Example: Creating a .bmd file from a .dae file

rszst.exe import-bmd cube.dae

Example: Dumping all material/animation presets of a model to a folder

rszst dump-presets course_model.brres my_preset_folder

Example: Converting a binary .kmp file to an editable JSON document

rszst kmp-to-json course.kmp course_kmp.json

Example: Compressing a YAZ0 file

rszst compress file.arc file.szs --algorithm nintendo



Open the CMakeLists.txt with Visual Studio, then click "Build".


git clone https://github.com/riidefi/RiiStudio
cd RiiStudio
mkdir build
cd build

brew install cmake assimp glfw freetype llvm
On M1 On Intel
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/opt/homebrew/bin/clang++ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang++
cmake --build . --config Release --parallel

Building a .app file

cd source/rust_bundle
cargo bundle --release


git clone https://github.com/riidefi/RiiStudio
cd RiiStudio
mkdir build
cd build

sudo apt-get update --fix-missing
sudo apt install -y cmake mesa-common-dev libglfw3-dev libassimp-dev libfreetype-dev

cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build . --config Release --parallel


Japanese Translation (日本語)

Credit to @h0d22 on twitter for the translation https://twitter.com/h0d22
