rilmodem / ofono

GNU General Public License v2.0
42 stars 29 forks source link


This README describes the upstream rilmodem/ofono git repository hosted on github:

The original ofono README is still present, however it's been re-named README.orig.

This git repository is a temporary fork of ofono 1.12 meant as a staging area for work on rilmodem, an ofono driver and associated plugins used to provide a telephony stack based upon an Android RILD instance ( vs. a native modem driver ). This repository is also the upstream for Ubuntu's version of ofono. As such, changes to this repository must be tested to ensure no regressions are introduced. For rilmodem-related changes, it's recommended that they be tested on at least one of the Nexus-based phones currently supported by Ubuntu Touch.

The 'master' branch is auto-imported to the following Launchpad bzr branch:

The packaging branch is:

It's the intention of the developers of this code to work with the ofono developers to eventually upstream this code, however as there is still work to be done ( missing core features, code cleanup, unit tests, ... ), this repository has been created to make cross-distro colloboration on rilmodem easier.

Author: Tony Espy Author: Ricardo Salveti de Araujo