rimmartin / saxon-node

MIT License
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API documentation is available atSaxon Node API


An exploration of binding Saxon/C http://www.saxonica.com/html/saxon-c/index.html (XSLT 2.0/3.0, XQuery 1.0/3.0, Schema Validation 1.0/1.1 and XPath 2.0/3.0). Professional and enterprise features can be accessed with your license from Saxonica.

Notes on Recent Releases

Notes on older Releases

To tell it where the Saxon/C is set the environment variable SAXONC_HOME to path:

export SAXONC_HOME=/home/user/Software/Saxonica/SaxonHEC1.2.0


linux-x64,linux-ia32, darwin-x64 and win32-ia32(no saxon-c 1.0.2 yet).

npm install --fallback-to-build

will first try to find a compatible native prebuilt. If it works you won't need development tools and compilers.

Building (only if needed; contact me if there is a particular prebuild you would use)

If a compatible prebuilt is not found, a number of environment variables are needed. For the build phase, as with integrating Saxon/C interface code in c/c++ applications the jni.h is needed. Set JAVA_HOME and the binding.gyp locates the jni.h from there. Only the headers are used; libsaxon.so that comes wth Saxon/C is loaded from it's home folder. The libsaxon.so depends on $SAXONC_HOME/rt during runtime and it needs library paths $SAXONC_HOME:$SAXONC_HOME/rt/lib/amd64/jetvm:$SAXONC_HOME/rt/lib/amd64. rt is the runtime http://www.excelsiorjet.com/ that Saxon/C provides. To run it needs the harmony switch and at least nodejs v4.2.x. Make sure there isn't a java path to jvm in front of the Excelsior JET tool in rt folder:

node --harmony saxon-node.js /home/user/testing-grounds/BCL/analyze.xml /home/user/NetBeansProjects/OOBackbone/stylesheets/divconIsSpecies.xsl

Yet this isn't the purpose to run xslt as this small app. The intention is the calling of the API from your applications.

To test

mocha --harmony --require should