rimonece / lte-model

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Record the design idea & simulation skill

Testing: merge Testing: check in from Debian Testing: check in from windows

2009, Jul. 3, Friday, Qiu Qinlong: 1) debug segmentation fault

2009, May 10, Sunday, Qiu Qinlong: backup location: qiuqinlong@163.com/neteasynetdisk/mydocument/project/2009_5_10_ver_1_0


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2009 May 11, Qiu Qinlong

The following comand sometimes can solve very difficult problem, such as memory corrupted!

Class A { public: virtual void print(){}; friend class B; protected: int a; };// The ";" is a must, otherwise, there will be very strange compile error.

Class B { A *a=new A; a->a; //class B can use class A's protected member due to B is A's friend class. };

Class C: public A { public : virtual void print(){}; };

A p, q; p = new A; q = new C; p->print();//class A's print q->print();//class B's print //if without virtual, q->print will be A's print.

When using REDQueue, Queue/RED set qweight 0.002 to avoid floating error!