ringcentral / rc-assistant

RC Assistant Bot
4 stars 2 forks source link

RC Assistant

Install it

Content below is for maintainers and contributors

Generate AWS Lex config

Ref: AmazonLexGenerator

Setup AWS Lex

Imprort aws_lex.json file into AWS Lex.

Configure AWS_LEX_BOT_NAME and AWS_LEX_BOT_ALIAS in .env files.

Dev setup

yarn install
cp .sample.env .env
edit .env
yarn ngork
yarn dev
curl -X PUT -u <admin>:<password> https://<chatbot-server>/admin/setup-database

Deploy to AWS Lambda

cp .sample.env.yml .env.yml
edit .env.yml
yarn deploy
curl -X PUT -u <admin>:<password> https://<chatbot-server>/admin/setup-database

Check remote logs

sls logs -f app/proxy/crontab/maintain
