ringo-framework / ringo_news

News extension for the Ringo framework
GNU General Public License v3.0
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News extension for the Ringo webframework

This extension can be used to extend a Ringo based web application with a newsboard. News can be displayed in the application. News can be administrated either throuh the webinterface or a command line client.


For details on how to install this extension in your application please refer to The ringo documentation for extensions


The extension provides some additional CLI options to manage new directly on the server:


{"subject": "Foo", "date": "YYYY-MM-DD", "text": "Foo text the body of the

If the json contains an id then the command will try to load the item with the given id and update the news in the database. In all other cases (including giving no id at all) will create a new news item with a new id will be generated.

On default the added news will be added to all users in the system. Later enhancements might be giving a list of usernames, filtering by groups and roles etc.

As this command basically utilize the import of ringo like the ringo-admin db loadata command it is capable of doing almost the same things (e.g defining relation)