rinodung / sql-nosql-ci

Xây dựng 1 CSDL, viết chương trình so sánh chi phí thời gian giữa SQL và NoSQL
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Yêu cầu

Xây dựng 1 CSDL, viết chương trình so sánh chi phí thời gian thực hiện các thao tác: select, insert, update, delete giữa 5 mô hình

  1. SQL (SQL server)

  2. NoSQL (cặp khóa - giá trị): Redis, MemcacheDB

  3. NoSQL(hướng tài liệu): MongoDB, Couchbase

  4. NoSQL(hướng cột): Cassandra, HBase(Hadoop)

  5. NoSQL(đồ thị): OrientDB, Neo4J



Ngôn ngữ


Framework Codeigniter




  1. SQL: SQL server

  2. NoSQL (cặp khóa - giá trị): Redis, MemcacheDB

  3. NoSQL(hướng tài liệu): MongoDB, Couchbase

  4. NoSQL(hướng cột): Cassandra, HBase(Hadoop)

  5. NoSQL(đồ thị): OrientDB, Neo4J

How to install

  1. Install Xampp(https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html) and run Xampp => Configure virtual host(http://foundationphp.com/tutorials/apache_vhosts.php) with virtual domain: http://dev.sql-nosql-ci.com/

  2. Install Git(https://git-scm.com/)

  3. Go to /xampp/htdocs directory and git clone project:

  4. git clone https://github.com/rinodung/sql-nosql-ci.git

  5. Rename application/config/database-sample.php to application/config/database.php

  6. Run Xampp and access: http://dev.sql-nosql-ci.com/

How to Run

  1. Set max_execution_time=300000 in php.ini
  2. Set memory_limit=-1
  3. Install MongoDB https://www.mongodb.org/downloads?_ga=1.64492399.1718628405.1456847965#production
  4. Install dll library for MongoDB on Windows https://pecl.php.net/package/mongo
  5. Copy version.dll to driver and enable extension=mongo_db.dll
  6. Run mongoDB with command line: mongod
  7. Start Xampp (copy the libsasl.dll found in my php installation directory to the apache installation directory )


  1. Dell Latitue 6510 Win7 Ram 4Gb CPU core I7 2.8GHz
  2. cat /proc/cpuinfo OS: Ubuntu CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.50GHz RAM: 1GB