rise8-us / delivery-playbooks

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Rise8 Delivery Playbooks


Find the Content

All delivery playbook content are located here.

Add New Content

All the content is written in markdown, here's a cheat sheet to help you navigate the syntax. Here are the steps to create new content:

  1. Create a new file by clicking the 'add file' button on the Github UI
  2. Name the file, add the content, and then click the 'Commit Changes' button
  3. Update the mkdocs.yml file at the root of the repository, add your newly created file to the proper section and commit the changes to that file using the same method in step 2.
  4. Create a new branch and make a name for it that describes what you're adding (e.g. test-driven-development-play) - this will create a pull request
  5. After creating the pull request, have at least one teammate review it before it is merged.

When the pull request is merged, a process will be triggered that will push the new changes onto the site.

Modify Existing Content

In order to modify existing content, click on the file you want to change and select the button with a pencil icon. You can make all the necessary edits and then follow the same process as the add new content section in order to create and merge a pull request.

Test Changes Locally

Before you make a pull request and merge your changes, you may want to view the website with your changes on your local computer. If that's the case you'll need to do the following steps in your terminal:

Before you do any of the following steps, you need to connect your local computer to your Github account. Follow these instructions in order to get that done.

# Install MkDocs and MkDocs Material:
brew install python
python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material
# clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/rise8-us/delivery-playbooks.git
cd deliver-playbooks
# run dev server
mkdocs serve

More Information

Kanban Board Link

Delivery Playbook Slack Channel

Playbook FigJam