riseshia / Bonghwa

Bonghwa is a private SNS
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link
ruby ruby-on-rails vuejs

Bonghwa (not maintained)

Bonghwa is a private SNS for small group.

Dev setup with docker

docker-compose up

That's enough. And you could use frontend page with port 5200, and backend with 5100

Initial Configuration

# Some env variables for dev
cp config/application.yml.example config/application.yml
cp frontent/config/prod.env.js.example frontend/config/prod.env.js

# this will generate seed data
bin/docker-manage.sh db:migrate db:seed

Sign up new user

How to Contribute

Here is general process.

PR will be merged and deployed after review approval.

Code Status

Build Status

Code Climate

Coverage Status


Bonghwa is released under the MIT License.