rishabhdevyadav / mpc_gazebo

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Four Wheel Skid Drive using MPC

Four Wheel Skid Drive Simulation in gazebo using linearized unicyclic Model Prodective Control.

Rendered Image


cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/rishabhdevyadav/MPC_Gazebo
cd ..
source devel/setup.zsh

# Finally launch the simulation
roslaunch skid4wd_description sim_with_controller.launch

The simulation is started in paused state. Resume the simulation by clicking on the play button on the lower panel in Gazebo.

How To Run

  1. Terminal 1st:-
    cd catkin_ws
    roslaunch skid4wd_description sim_with_controller.launch
  2. Terminal 2nd:-
    cd catkin_ws/
    source devel/setup.zsh
    roscd skid4wd_control
    cd scripts/V0_working
    python3 MPC.py
  3. Terminal 3rd:-
    cd catkin_ws/
    source devel/setup.zsh
    roscd skid4wd_control
    cd scripts/V0_working
    python control.py

Note:- For MPC optimization, "cvxpy" has been used which works only with python3, while ROS worls in python2 by default. So "Python Socket" has been used to communicate between MPC.py and control.py.

MPC.py receive current state [x,y,yaw,v,omega] and send new [v, omega].