rishjaiswal / java-automation-framework

Testing Framework Created from Scratch Based on Java using Maven and TestNG
MIT License
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Java Automation Framework

Project Description :

This Project is created for building Test Automation Framework based on Java using Maven,Selenium,TestNG and ExtentReports.


Maven is a software project management and build management tool for Java Framework.


TestNG is a testing framework and it provides the full control over the test cases and the execution of the test cases.


Selenium is a software testing framework for the web that facilitates the automation of browsers.


Extent Reports is a customizable HTML report which can be integrated into Selenium WebDriver using TestNG frameworks with stepwise and pie chart representation.


The ITestListener implements since it is an interface, and the class in which we implement the listener overrides the ITestListener methods. ITestListener listens to specific events (depending on its methods) and executes the code written inside the method.