ritheshrkrm / PiroAutoFilterBot

A Simple Auto FIlter Bot with some featurs
GNU General Public License v2.0
136 stars 427 forks source link
bot telegram telegram-bot


Typing SVG

Stars License Python


Required Variables

Deployment Methods

Deploy To Heroku

Deploy To Heroku

Deploy To Koyeb The fastest way to deploy the application is to click the Deploy to Koyeb button below. [![Deploy to Koyeb](https://www.koyeb.com/static/images/deploy/button.svg)](https://app.koyeb.com/deploy?type=git&repository=https://github.com/ritheshrkrm/PiroAutoFilterBot&branch=main&name=pirobot)
Deploy on Railway Deploy on Railway
Deploy To Render
Deploy to Render
Deploy To VPS

Use VPS Branch
git clone https://github.com/ritheshrkrm/PiroAutoFilterBot
# Install Packages
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
Edit info.py with variables as given below then run bot
python3 bot.py


alive - check bot alive  
ping - pong  
gfilter - to add a global filter 
delg - to delete a global filter 
broadcast - to broadcast a message to all users 
group_broadcast - to broadcast a message to all groups 
settings - get settings   
logs - to get the rescent errors  
stats - to get status of files in db 
filter - add manual filters 
filters - view filters  
connect - connect to PM 
disconnect - disconnect from PM  
del - delete a filter  
delall - delete all filters    
id - get tg ids 
imdb - fetch info from imdb  
users - to get list of my users and ids 
chats - to get list of the my chats and ids   
leave  - to leave from a chat 
disable  -  do disable a chat 
enable - re-enable chat 
ban  - to ban a user  
unban  - to unban a use

Thanks to



GNU Affero General Public License 2.0
Licensed under GNU AGPL 2.0. Selling The Codes To Other People For Money Is Strictly Prohibited.