rizvanJacob / LSS-currency-ts

A MERN application to track and book currency training sessions
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Currency Tracker and Booking Application

A web based application to track currency and book refresher trainings


This web application allows trainees to:

Try the application here (login required)

Tech Stack and Libraries


5 working days

Wireframe and User Stories

User stories User Stories

Development Approach and Details

This application implements basic Create Read Update Delete (CRUD) functions and was implemented using a model-view-controller architectural approach as described below. Our approach and timeline in developing this application was to:

Day 1

  1. Set up server using express
  2. Define all schema and generate PostgreSQL database using Prisma
  3. Plan server routers for basic CRUD functions using REST conventions

Day 2

  1. Authorisation via sgID client
  2. Server routers and controllers to CRUD trainees and trainings
  3. Front end client to CRUD trainees and trainings

Day 3

  1. Server algorithm to track currencies and display currencies for trainee
  2. Server algoritm to update currencies
  3. Front end client for trainees to book and complete trainings

Day 4

  1. Server routers and controllers to CRUD users
  2. Front end client for users
  3. Implement authentication across all application paths

Day 5

  1. Deploy application
  2. Style application


Database Entity Relationship Diagram


The views and user interactions were developed using the react and react-router-dom libraries.


There are four categories of controllers in the application: for trainees, trainings, and users, and authentication

The controllers for users, trainings and trainees allow basic CRUD functions for the User, Trainee and Trainings models. The routes for each of these functions adhere to REST conventions. The authentication controller functions as middleware to ensure only authorized users can access the respective functions.

Deployment Instructions

Root Folder:


Build script:

cd ./client && npm install && npm run build && cd ../server && npm install && npx prisma db push && npm run build

Start script:

npm run start