rkiddy / ca_hhs

The California Health and Human Services department publishes data in different formats. These apps will import and display the data. This is a work in progress.
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Datasets that appear in the list of directories above but not in the list below have no extra annotations or descriptions.

dataset-catalog The dataset-catalog directory includes code to download and import the data. The dataset-catalog-www will vend it in a simple application. There is a lot of data here but not of it is ... accurate or perhaps up-to-date. There are some datasets in this dataset that are missing web pages or do not seem to exist now. It is, thougn, not very clear.
healthcare-facility-locations See https://data.chhs.ca.gov/dataset/healthcare-facility-locations https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CHCQ/LCP/Pages/HealthCareFacilities.aspx.
hospital-building-data Contains construction information for the buildings, includes number of stories, and building code in effect when built. Includes a "perm_id" assigned as "Facility number per Facilities Development Division". Will this match up with the "facid" fields in other datasets? We will see.
oshpd-healthcare-facilities-BLOCKED This dataset is marked on the CalHHS Open Data Portal as blocked. No idea why.
statewide-death-profiles Causes thereof.
surgical-site-infections-ssis-for-28-operative-procedures-in-california-hospitals There could also be something interesting here: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CHCQ/HAI/Pages/AnnualHAIReports.aspx
Glossary * ACA - Affordable Care Act * ADAP - AIDS Drug Assistance Program * CalFresh * CalWORKs * CPS - Child Protective Services * DDS * ELMS - Electronic Licensing Management System * Family PACT * HAI - Hospital-Acquired Infection * IHSS * Medicaid * Medi-Cal * OSHPDID - A unique number established by the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) for identifying facilities and used in the Licensed Facility Information System (LFIS). * SIR - Standardized Infection Ratio * SMR - Standardized Mortality Ratio * SPC - Structural Performance Category (in re buildings) * SNAP * SUD - Substance-Use Disorder * TANF - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families * WIC