rkishore1207 / Azure-Dot-NET

Going to learn how to integrate Microsoft Azure Services with Don Net Web Application by doing hands on projects
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Integrate Local Powershell prompt with Azure Account

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

Install-Module -Name Az -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force

  • If the previous command is throwing error, then use below Install-Module -Name Az -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force -AllowClobber
  • Then use Connect-AzAccount, it will show a popup window to select desired account.
  • If our account have multiple Subscription then, it will ask us to select under which subscription we are going to work.

    Azure Powershell (Both cloud and Local)

  • $resourceGroup = "powershell-resource-group"
  • $location = "eastus"
  • New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -location $location
  • To view, Get-AzResourceGroup
  • To list Locations, Get-AzLocation | Select DisplayName

Azure Cloud Shell (Bash)

Azure CLI (Local)

App Service with Dot NET

App Service

Deploy WebApplication to Azure with CLI

* dotnet new webapp -o first-deploy-app
* dotnet build
* dotnet publish -o Publish
* cd .\Publish\
* Compress-Archive * Publish.zip (* -> all file in that folder converted to zip in the name of Publish.zip)
* Create our own Resource Group, AppService Plan and WebApp to deploy our DotNet project.
* Resource Group -> az group create --location eastus --resource-group kishore-resource-group
* AppService Plan -> az appservice plan create -g kishore-resource-group -n kishore-appservice-plan
* Webapp -> az webapp create -g kishore-resource-group -p kishore-appservice-plan -n kishore-webapp
* Then deploy -> az webapp deployment source config-zip --src .\Publish.zip\ -n kishore-webapp -g kishore-resource-group
* Open -> az webapp browse -g kishore-resource-group -n kishore-webapp

Azure WebApp Logging

App Settings Configuration

Deployment Slots

Azure SQL Database

Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Storage Account

Storage Account

Azure Service Bus

Azure Serverless Function

Azure Functions

Triggers and Bindings

Triggers and Bindings

Durable Functions

Accepted Response -> That request may or may not complete but now we are good to go