rklyz / MyRice

:rice: Beras
GNU General Public License v3.0
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issues that i've encountered but im not good enough to fix :c #15

Open ronylee11 opened 1 year ago

ronylee11 commented 1 year ago

have a look and tell me if u know any solutions to these, thanks ^-^

remaining status bar clock is always late 1 minute - changed awesome.misc.bar.clock, line 10 to timeout = 59, still doesnt work sidepanel music playing time refreshes every 5 seconds - changed awesome.signals.player, line 28 to timeout = 1, but still delay 2-3 second

personal optimization ( optional ) status bar on top - tried commenting line 71 in awesome.misc.bar.init, figured it looks bad, imma stay with bottom bar hide status bar with super+b

fixed disable scroll to switch tag - done, comment out binding.lua mouse binding 4, 5 font issue, \u{2630} and \u{33d1} - import windows fonts from /windows/Windows/Fonts/* to ~/.local/share/fonts after mounting windows on /windows redundant /awesome directory - fixed in #14 weather widget not working - fixed in #18 sidepanel battery is always showing no battery, should be showing actual battery - fixed in commit b61138b tray icons are not showing in status bar e.g. discord - added wibox.widget.systray in awesome.misc.bar.init, fixed in #19 missing brightness change indicator - solved in #24

rklyz commented 1 year ago

hey, thanks for providing the issues as this would be really helpful for me. I'll try to fix those issues when I get the time (prob on a school holiday since I'm in a boarding school :P) tbh, this rice would still have a loong way. that's why there's so many bugs/issues.


For the rest, I'll put that in mind and will make sure to fix it as fast as possible

rklyz commented 1 year ago

@ronylee11 So I figured out that u need to install 'base-devel' again and restart your machine to fix that weather issues. for that battery issue, you need to change line in awesome.signals.battery into the following code.

if not stdout:match("%d+") then
ronylee11 commented 1 year ago

@rklyz i have also found another issue on the sidebar, the hostname is not showing up... after checking out awesome.misc.sidebar.profile, line 39, it seems that the script is expecting $HOST variable i have found a quick fix, to add a line of HOST=<hostname> at the end of /etc/environment


i have found a better fix instead of messing up /etc/environment file i think it would simply work by just replacing awesome.misc.sidebar.profile, line 38 with

awful.spawn.easy_async_with_shell("cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname", function(stdout)
  hostname.markup = "@"..tostring(stdout)
ronylee11 commented 1 year ago

@ronylee11 So I figured out that u need to install 'base-devel' again and restart your machine to fix that weather issues. for that battery issue, you need to change line in awesome.signals.battery into the following code.

if not stdout:match("%d+") then

thank you for the fix! after pulling the latest update from this repository the battery is indeed showing! unfortunately weather issue still persists, after having a look at awesome.signals.weather, it seems that line 7 is the culprit, where the script is not giving out expected output i moved the local script variable content to another shell script file, namely weather_script.sh

# This script is used to find weather
weather=$(curl -sf "wttr.in/$city?format='%C:%f'")
if [[ ! -z $weather ]]; then
  echo $weather
  echo "Weather unavailable"

and changed awesome.signals.weather, line 7, to

  local script = [[
    bash -c "$HOME/.config/awesome/signals/weather_script.sh ]] .. city.. [["

and it worked like a charm!


should i make a pull request?