rklyz / MyRice

:rice: Beras
GNU General Public License v3.0
275 stars 22 forks source link
desktop linux ricing

My Rice..

GitHub Repo stars

An awesome(wm) rice that I made to get comfy experience for my daily usage.

So.. go ahead on what you're trying to do.

I wouldn't mind.

My setup 🧰:

Nothing special

I'm using 1920x1080 screen resolution. Hope things goes perfectly fine for others..

How do I get this ❓

Well.. You just need to follow (or not) the following instructions given below

1. Install the Dependencies - [awesome-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/awesome-git) - [picom (ibhagwan fork)](https://github.com/ibhagwan/picom) - jq - inotify-tools - playerctl - brightnessctl - pulseaudio / pipewire-pulse - network-manager - mpd - mpDris2 - ncmpcpp - xclip - maim - pamixer - rofi - wezterm - neovim - feh - zsh
**Required Fonts** - [Material Design Icons](https://materialdesignicons.com/) - Roboto ```sh # Arch Linux yay -S awesome-git mpd ncmpcpp jq inotify-tools playerctl brightnessctl \ pulseaudio networkmanager mpdris2 xclip maim pamixer rofi wezterm \ thunar neovim feh zsh base-devel ```

2. Clone the repo ```sh git clone https://github.com/rklyz/MyRice.git cd MyRice/conf/ git submodule init git submodule update ```

3. Copy the config file ```sh cp -rf cava awesome mpd ncmpcpp picom wezterm mpDris2 $HOME/.config/ cp -rf .Xresources .bashrc .vimrc .zshrc $HOME/ mkdir $HOME/.local/share/fonts cd ..; cp -rf misc/fonts/* $HOME/.local/share/fonts/ fc-cache -v systemctl enable --user mpd.service; systemctl start --user mpd.service systemctl enable --user mpDris2.service; systemctl start --user mpDris2.service ``` Change to your wall location at awesome.theme.theme Choose your /home disk in awesome.signals.disk. ex. /dev/sda2 Put your city name inside awesome.signals.weather

4. Restart your system & Log in with awesomeWM

5. You're done!

Did you say keybind?

Keybinds Uses
Mod + Enter Terminal
Mod + Space Layout
Mod + r Rofi
alt + c Sidebar
alt + x Lockscreen
Mod + Ctrl + n Un-minimize


The colorscheme that used in this rice is custom. (still doesn't have name yet)



Improvement in the future

Million of Thanks to 💕

Contributors :wrench:

Last but not least.. You guys!