rko0211 / jgec-previous-year-question-paper

You will get here the test of frontend development and if you are the student of Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College then this is your best place where you can get JGEC previous year question papers, Thank you.
MIT License
10 stars 13 forks source link
bootstrap5 css html javascript


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Welcome to our Repository, your one-stop destination for accessing previous year question papers of various courses offered at Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College. This repository is designed to assist students in their exam preparations, providing valuable resources to enhance their understanding of the curriculum and exam patterns.

Check it out at : https://rko0211.github.io/jgec-previous-year-question-paper/

Table of Contents

1) Introduction 2) How to Use 3) Content Available 4) Contributing 5) Possible Changes 6) License 7) Contact


This repository aims to facilitate an easy and organized access to previous year question papers of JGEC. As a valuable resource, it helps students prepare thoroughly for exams by familiarizing themselves with the question formats and topics covered in past years.

How to Use

Accessing question papers is simple:

1) First visit the website 2) Select the academic year 3) Navigate to your department/branch of study 4) Choose your desired subject 5) Download the required question papers in PDF format.

Feel free to explore, download, and utilize these question papers as part of your study routine.

Content Available

How to Contribute

We welcome contributions from the community! If you'd like to contribute to this project, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Repository:

    • Click on the "Fork" button at the top right corner of the repository page.
  2. Clone Your Fork:

  3. Create a Branch:

    • Create a new branch for your contribution. bash git checkout -b feature-branch
  4. Make Changes:

    • Make your desired changes to the codebase.
  5. Commit Changes:

    • Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message. bash git commit -m "Add feature or fix"
  6. Push Changes:

    • Push your changes to your fork on GitHub. bash git push origin feature-branch
  7. Create a Pull Request:

    • Open a Pull Request (PR) on the original repository.
    • Provide a clear title and description for your PR.
  8. Review and Merge:

    • The maintainers will review your PR and may request changes.
    • Once approved, your changes will be merged into the main branch.

Syncing with Upstream

If the original repository has been updated, sync your fork to include the latest changes:

  1. Add Upstream Remote:

  2. Fetch Upstream Changes:

    • Fetch the changes from the upstream repository. bash git fetch upstream
  3. Merge Upstream Changes:

    • Merge the changes from the upstream repository into your local branch. bash git merge upstream/main
  4. Push Changes to Your Fork:

    • Push the updated changes to your fork on GitHub. bash git push origin main

We appreciate your contributions! Let's make Memory Collector even better together.

What Changes Can You Make Here ?

1) First See the navbar options of this website 2) Create a beautiful and responsive About Page using HTML, CSS, and Javascript with some poem text. Link the page with About options(You can find it from index.html file of this repository) 3) Create a beautiful and responsive Purpose Page using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, including some poem text. Link the page to the Purpose options (which you can find in the index.html file of this repository) 4) Create a beautiful, responsive, and functional Contact Page using my email address as the destination. Link the page with the Contact options (which you can find in the index.html file of this repository) 5) Some pages do not contain a Footer Section. Please add the footer to those pages using the content present in the other footers.

Please make sure to update changes as appropriate.

I'll make sure to merge it❤

## Contributors ✨ Thanks goes to these wonderful people 💜

Prakash Mondal






Komal Agarwal


Swarnadeep Saha Poddar


Arpan Chowdhury


Sangneel Deb


Arghadip Manna

## License This project is licensed under the MIT License. ## Contact If you have any suggestions,improvements feel free to raise an issue stating your idea . Your feedback is highly appreciated. ###
Happy learning ! 📚✨
## Let's Enjoy in the exam hall!!

© rko0211 All Rights Reserved

© jgec previous year question paper All Rights Reserved