rkusa / DATIS

DCS World Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) broadcasted through Simple Radio Standalone (SRS)
MIT License
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Add custom messages to the remarks section #104

Open poulet67 opened 3 years ago

poulet67 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am sorry if there is a way to do this, but my cursory look through the documentation didn't show anything.

I'd really like to be able to add a custom message in the remarks section of the ATIS broadcast. I am making a scenario where one of the runways is hit so something like "Runway XX not in service" would be a nice addition. Could add a lot of interesting flavor type stuff for different scenarios as well.

Love the mod otherwise, great work!

rkusa commented 3 years ago

Sounds like a good addition to me! I think though, that the current way of setting up a station isn't well suited for this and I am afraid that this has to wait until I've added a way to setup stations via Lua calls (see https://github.com/rkusa/DATIS/milestone/1).

adamburrito commented 2 years ago

Coming from a real life professional pilot, I love this idea of custom remarks. But what I really wanted to suggest (somewhat related to this topic) is a request to replace the final words in the ATIS broadcast ("end information Alpha/Bravo/Charlie/etc") with "advise you have information Alpha/Bravo/Charlie/etc". I can't remember what the DATIS typically says at the end of the message in Europe and other Airports outside the US, but in the USA, regardless whether it's a DATIS or a human recorded ATIS, the last part of the message is "Advise you have information xyz". For recorded ATIS, typically they'll say "advise on initial contact, you have information xyz". So perhaps a customized remarks portion of your SRS DATIS could account for this? At he very least, I would love to see the removal of the word "end", I've never heard that on any ATIS broadcast or DATIS broadcast/text. And as a side note, typically in the USA the runway in use is stated after the weather information, but I know the rest of the ICAO world it does seem that the runway in use (and approach) is mentioned before the weather (actually makes more sense to me!). But would be awesome if we could customize this too! Thanks for all the great work rkusa, love your mod!

rkusa commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @adamburrito! I think that there is no way around a fully customisable ATIS report going forward. This issue is the perfect example. So with https://github.com/rkusa/DATIS/milestone/1 I'll probably think about being able to customise everything and provider placeholders that are filled in with the actual data. Something in the likes of:

This is {airfield_name} information {letter}. Runway in use is {active_runway}.
Wind {wind_heading} at {wind_speed_in_knots} knots. Visibility {visibility}.
Cloud conditions {cloud_conditions}. Temperature {temperature_in_celcius} celcius.
ALTIMETER {altimeter_in_inhg}. REMARKS. {altimeter_in_hectopascal} hectopascal.
QFE {qfe_in_inhg} or {qfe_in_hectopascal}. End information {letter}.

This would then also replace the current TRAFFIC, INFO, ACTIVE, NO HPA and NO QFE settings as the same can be achieved by providing a custom template.

rkusa commented 2 years ago

I've outlined changes to DATIS that would allow more customization here: #113