rkusa / DATIS

DCS World Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) broadcasted through Simple Radio Standalone (SRS)
MIT License
89 stars 21 forks source link
atis dcs dcs-world dcsworld srs


DCS World Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) broadcasted through Simple Radio Standalone. Automatically starts within DCS, extracts weather information from the currently running mission, generates various report, converts it to speech and broadcasts it through SRS.

Changelog | Troubleshooting | Prebuild Releases

Example Report:

This is Batumi information Alpha. Runway in use is 13. Wind 140 at 9 knots. Visibility 0.5. Cloud conditions overcast 5, rain. Temperature 20.9 celcius. ALTIMETER 2933. REMARKS. 993 hectopascal. QFE 2930 or 992. End information Alpha.

Example Carrier Report:

99, Mother's wind 140 at 9 knots, altimeter 2933, CASE 1, BRC 276, expected final heading 267, report initial


ATIS stations are not the only report kind this mod supports, all supported report kinds are:

The mods uses the Window' built-in TTS by default, but can also either use Google Cloud's TTS, AWS Polly, or a combination of all of them (tip: setup both Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services to have a greater choice of different voices).

Migrate to 3.x.x

The plugin settings have been removed from the DCS settings screen. DATIS is now configured through a config file at Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Config\DATIS.json, see Settings. This has been done, because each mission you save contains all your plugin settings. This included the cloud provider access keys set for DATIS. The change has been made to prevent the accidential sharing of those credentials.


Build it yourself and use the content inside the mod directory or use the pre-build mod from one of the releases.

  1. Copy the content (Mods and Scripts directory) into Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\.
  2. Optional: Customize your settings, see Settings

Once you start a mission that contains a pattern as described in the next section, DATIS runs automatically. It thereby expects a SRS server to run locally on the default SRS ports.

If DATIS isn't working, you might find some helpful information in the log file at DCS.openbeta\Logs\DATIS.log.

For information about the free tier of GCloud, AWS and Azure see:


Setup ATIS stations

ATIS stations can be added to your mission by either

ATIS {Airfield} {ATIS Frequency}[, OPTION {VALUE}]*

Available settings:


ATIS Kutaisi 251.000
ATIS Batumi 131.5
ATIS Senaki-Kolkhi 145
ATIS Kutaisi 251.000, TRAFFIC 252.000
ATIS Kutaisi 251.000, VOICE en-US-Standard-E
ATIS Kutaisi 251.000, TRAFFIC 252.000, VOICE en-US-Standard-E
ATIS Kutaisi 251.000, TRAFFIC 252.000, VOICE GC:en-US-Wavenet-B
ATIS Kutaisi 251.000, TRAFFIC 252.000, VOICE AWS:Nicole
ATIS Kutaisi 251.000, TRAFFIC 252.000, VOICE WIN
ATIS Kutaisi 251.000, TRAFFIC 252.000, INFO Q, ACTIVE 21L, NO QFE, NO HPA
ATIS Kutaisi 251.000, TRAFFIC 252.000, INFO Q, ACTIVE 21L.03R, NO QFE, NO HPA


Setup Carrier Reports

Name your carrier unit (unit not group!) using the following pattern:

CARRIER {Name} {Frequency}[, VOICE {VOICE NAME}]


Setup Broadcast of Custom Messages

Place a unit (doesn't matter if it is a static unit, a plane, a vehicle, ...) and name it (the unit not the group!) using the following pattern:

BROADCAST {Frequency}[, VOICE {VOICE NAME}]: {Message}


BROADCAST 251.000, VOICE AWS:Brian: Help help!

Setup Broadcast of Weather Stations

Place a unit (doesn't matter if it is a static unit, a plane, a vehicle, ...) and name it (the unit not the group!) using the following pattern:

WEATHER {Station Name} {Frequency}[, VOICE {VOICE NAME}]


WEATHER Mountain Range 251.000, VOICE en-US-Standard-E




Instead of building you can also use the pre-build mod from one of the releases. Otherwise, build with Rust (stable):

cargo build --release --package datis

Run tests

cargo test

Format code

cargo fmt

This requires you to have rustfmt on your toolchain. It can be installed via rustup component add rustfmt.
