rkusa / DATIS

DCS World Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) broadcasted through Simple Radio Standalone (SRS)
MIT License
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map wide ATIS feature #116

Open HILOK opened 2 years ago

HILOK commented 2 years ago

@rkusa just a thought for consideration, while you are reviewing the lua code : )

what about a feature that automatically adds ATIS broadcast to every field on a map?

off the top of my head, it could work like this:

rkusa commented 2 years ago

I like the idea πŸ‘ I might have to combine this with a feature that disables the broadcast while no one is active on a certain frequency to save on TTS calls and overall SRS bandwidth.

HILOK commented 2 years ago

glad to hear that 😊 yep had also the concern that it might take too much resources. but this could be mitigated by narrowing the selection of fields instead of "all blue" etc. basically i was looking for a solution that would be easy to implement to any mission/scenario without much time or hassle. my hopes are that eventually this mod could make it into dcs liberation πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜