rkwreck / team_flappy_bird

CSA Course Guide
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Last updated March 3rd, 2022.

Flappy Arcade School: Website Link

Video tour of the website here.

image image image

Our Purpose:

Not everyone has the same education opportunities and our goal is to change that, all through a retro-styled, Flappy-Bird themed website. We developed minigames to educate people about topics that are taught both in school and out of school. We also linked numerous articles about each topic to encourage further learning. We currently have games about chemistry, physics, plant biology, and medical emergencies. In addition, we hope that our audience realizes how effective simple games can be and get encouraged to learn computer science to create their own games.

Timebox (Meet the Scrum Team)

Name Role Profile Tasks/Issues Commits Journal
Rini Scrum Master & Github Admin @rkwreck Issues Commits Journal
Chenxin Deployment Manager @chenxin-chex Issues Commits Journal
Adi Technical Officer @adhithi! Issues Commits Journal
Prisha Primary Designer @PrishaMaiti Issues Commits Journal

Role descriptions here.

Team Scrum Board: Link

Contributors: Link to Insight Graphs

Wiki Pages for more detailed documentation: Link

Team Final Reflection: Link

Jekyll URL [Deployed READ.ME]:** jekyll site

Last deployed February 26th, 2022.


NA@TM Visuals & Tangibles

Other people interacting w/ our project:



Group selfie:


Cool things we liked from other classrooms:



Weeks 11-12 Timebox (PBL Final + Runtimes)

Summary of work: This week, we focused on completing our games and website. We finalized all of our work, revamped our frontend, and made sure all GitHub organization was up-to-date.

Team Final Review Ticket: Link

Name Game/PBL MVC Wiki Plans Final Program Code Commits Videos Final Review Ticket Crossover Partner + their ticket w/ our comments
Rini Medical Emergencies Trivia Link Game Commit Runtime Ticket @ridhimainukurti of p1-valid + Ticket
Chenxin Chemistry Snake Link Game Commit Runtime Ticket @adhithi! of flappy-bird + Ticket
Adi Bio Wordle Link Link Runtime (had technological issues) Ticket @chenxin-chex of flappy-bird + Ticket
Prisha Physics Trivia Link Link Runtime Ticket @Archkitten of AP-CSA-T2 + Ticket

Week 10 Timebox (PBL Part 2)

Name Game Summary of Work Code Commit Video Link
Rini Medical Emergencies Trivia Completed skeleton code for game frontend + added game direction pages Link Link
Chenxin Chemistry Sokoban Used Java inheritance to make progress on game + completed source page Link Link
Adi Plant Bio Wordle Set up controller, model, html page for game + completed source page Link Unable to create video b/c tehcnical issues @chenxin-chex of flappy-bird
Prisha Physics Trivia Fixed question & answer issues + completed source page + added vanta.js background w/ rings to match subject theme Link Link

Week 9 Timebox (PBL Part 1)

Name Game Summary of Work Wiki Page Code Commit Video Link
Rini Medical Emergencies Trivia Created Wiki page plan for game w/ wireframes + completed source page Link Link Link
Chenxin Chemistry Sokoban Created Wiki page plan for game w/ wireframes + created chem game assets Link Link Link
Adi Plant Bio Wordle Created Wiki page plan for game + reorganized directories + created wordle game database Link Link Link
Prisha Physics Trivia Created Wiki page plan for game w/ wireframes + added controller for trivia game Link Link Link

Week 8 Timebox (FRQ Showing 2)

Name Summary of Work Crossover Partners Individual Review Ticket w/ Scores & Reflection
Rini Completed FRQS + runtime on Repl.it + graded partner @ridhimainukurti of p1-valid Link
Chenxin Completed FRQS + runtime on Repl.it + graded partner @PrishaMaiti of flappy-bird Link
Adi Completed FRQS + runtime on Repl.it + graded partner @risaiwazaki of p1-valid and @macddmac Link
Prisha Completed FRQS + runtime on Repl.it + graded partner @chenxin-chex of flappy-bird Link

Week 7 Timebox (FRQ Showing 1)

Name Summary Highlighted Talk Points + Learnings From FRQs FRQs Code (with menu)
Rini Created Wiki page to describe learnings from FRQS + began adding FRQS to Repl.it Wiki Page Repl Link
Chenxin Created Wiki page to describe learnings from FRQS + began adding FRQS to Repl.it Wiki Page Repl Link
Adi Created Wiki page to describe learnings from FRQS + began adding FRQS to Repl.it Wiki Page Repl Link
Prisha Created Wiki page to describe learnings from FRQS + began adding FRQS to Repl.it Wiki Page Repl Link

Week 6 Timebox (Midterm Ketchup Week)

Name Summary of Work Vocab Wiki Page
Rini & Chenxin Created wiki page defining the vocabulary terms w/ examples Link
Adi & Prishas Created wiki page defining the vocabulary terms w/ examples Link

Week 5 Timebox (FRQ 5 + Theme)

Runtime for FRQ should be on website. Tangibles can be found here. Jekyll site can be found here. Name FRQ Work Highlighted Commit Links
Rini Repl.it Source Directory Page Frontend (PBL), Sub Source Pages Skeletons (PBL), Jekyll, Tangibles
Chenxin Repl.it Jekyll Connected to Frontend, Swimmy Bird
Adi Github Data Ops, Github Password.java Async Operation, CRUD Database (given extension)
Prisha Repl.it Swimmy Bird, Physics Game Backend

Week 4 Timebox (FRQ 4 + Game Planning)

Runtime for FRQ should be on website. Tangibles can be found here. Name Journal (Link to FRQ Code java) Individual Commits Link to Frontend code
Rini Journal Games commit1 and Games commit2, Tangibles Frontend Link
Chenxin Journal Layout commit1 and Layout commit2 Frontend Link
Adi Journal Biology game and Snake game Frontend Link
Prisha Journal Trivia game frontend and Trivia game backend Frontend Link

Week 3 Timebox (FRQ 3)

Tangibles and further details here. Runtime for FRQ should be on website. Name Journal (Link to FRQ Code java) Individual Commits Link to Frontend code
Rini Journal Commits Link + Tangibles Frontend Link
Chenxin Journal Commits Link Frontend Link
Adi Journal Commits Link Frontend Link
Prisha Journal Commits Link Frontend Link

Week 2 Timebox (Home Pages)

Image previews (tangibles) of individual home pages on this wiki page.

Summary of work: Created home page + about page + mandatory skeleton pages Name Home Page Journal (FRQ Work)
Rini Commits Link + Tangibles Journal
Chenxin Commits Link Journal
Adi Commits Link Journal
Prisha Commits Link Journal

Week 1 Timebox (Project Approval)

Name Role Assignment (BOF) Wiki Link (BOF Discussions + Follow-Up Work)
Rini Github and Scrum Board Github BOF and Scrum BOF
Chenxin Deployment Guide Deployment BOF
Adi Technical Key Ideas Technical BOF
Prisha Wireframe and Brain Write Wireframe BOF

Week 0 Timebox (Meet the Scrum Team)

Name Role Role Description Profile Tasks/Issues Commits Journal
Rini Scrum Master & Github Admin Scrum Master: Ensure roles are assigned + build scrum board & READ.Me + assign work to members + finalize each week's plans. As Github Admin: setup Project in Git + integrate any starter code from Trimester 1 + build policies for Fork and Pull requests + organize Git for each week's work. @rkwreck Issues Commits Journal
Chenxin Deployment Manager Deploy Website + establish policy and frequency for updates + ensure site is not broken and always alive for reviews. @chenxin-chex Issues Commits Journal
Adi Technical Officer Works with teacher, classroom TOs, and BOF TO's to form TPT lessons and Tech Talk Topics + facilitates learning of Technical Concepts within Scrum Team. @adhithi! Issues Commits Journal
Prisha Primary Designer Organize Thymeleaf enabled templates + ensure usage of Bootstrap (minimize CSS customization per page) + establish plan for overrides on each of the User Pages + polish frontend @PrishaMaiti Issues Commits Journal

Chenxin's Shark Puppy (Mascot):


Shoutout to the GitHub Support Team for detatching our fork. Thank you!