rlcevg / CircuitAI

Spring RTS local native AI
GNU General Public License v2.0
18 stars 19 forks source link

Circuit AI

Spring RTS local native AI for Zero-K.



Build process of native AI described in the wiki of Spring RTS engine. Required steps on linux:

$ git clone https://github.com/spring/spring.git
$ cd spring && git checkout maintenance
$ git clone https://github.com/rlcevg/CircuitAI.git AI/Skirmish/CircuitAI
$ cmake . && make CircuitAI


To install the AI, put files into proper directory, see CppTestAI or Shard for reference. An example location of libSkirmishAI.so on linux would be /home/<user>/.spring/engine/<engine version>/AI/Skirmish/CircuitAI/<AI version>/libSkirmishAI.so

Linux troubleshooting

Dead AI upon match start: ensure that libSkirmishAI.so is compatible with AI/Interfaces/C/0.1/libAIInterface.so (i.e. replace it with own build)

For those who lost all hope, behold: Vagrant. Just navigate to Vagrantfile and do "vagrant up". It will take some time to warm up, install all dependencies and compile Circuit for the first time. Subsequent builds should be done manually, see Vagrantfile for reference.