rlidwka / node-hotswap

This module enables code hotswapping in node.js
138 stars 14 forks source link

Basic usage

Just write this in your main file (or in the repl):


And then add this line to modules you want to be reloaded (it tells node-hotswap to watch this file):

module.change_code = 1;

Now if you change your modules, they will be reloaded automatically.

Demo (you have to wait more than 1 second between writings - it's file system limitations):

var fs = require('fs');
var hotswap = require('hotswap');

// writing the initial version of test.js
fs.writeFileSync("hotswap-test.js", "module.exports.version = 0; module.change_code = true;");

// requiring it
var test = require('./hotswap-test')

hotswap.on('swap', function() {
        // we are going to console.log(test) whenever it's changed

setTimeout(function() {
        fs.writeFile("hotswap-test.js", "module.exports.version = 1; module.change_code = true;")
}, 1000);

setTimeout(function() {
        fs.writeFile("hotswap-test.js", "module.exports.hi_there = function(){}; module.change_code = true;")
}, 2000);

setTimeout(function() {
        fs.writeFile("hotswap-test.js", "module.exports = {wow: 'thats working'}; module.change_code = true;")
}, 3000);

/* outputs:
 * { version: 0 }
 * { version: 1 }
 * { hi_there: [Function] }
 * { wow: 'thats working' }

What does it do?

This module overrides default functions in require.extension and do some magic there. It remembers all references to exports objects of modules with function module.change_code defined. When module is changed, contents of it's old exports object is replaced with contents of the new one.

// So, this will work fine, m will be changed:
var m = require('hot-swapping-module');

// but "hotswap" have to way to replace m.func with new value
// so dont do this unless you really want to use old code, 
var m.func = require('hot-swapping-module').func;


require('hotswap') returns an EventEmitter that emits the following events:

Local variables

When old module is replaced by the new one, local variables of the old module will be lost. If you want to save them, you can use module.change_code.

If module.change_code is defined as a function it will be called before module is reloaded. So you can write up something like that:

module.cache = {} // it's important data you want to save

module.change_code = function(oldmod, newmod, exports_object) {
  newmod.cache = oldmod.cache;


You can configure node-hotswap using configure function.

    // a list of extensions registered by hotswap
    // you can define your own extension for such files if you are afraid 
    // that this module would mess up with some other modules (shouldn't 
    // happen though)
    // default: {'.js': 'js', '.coffee': 'coffee'}
    extensions: {'.js': ['js', 'jsx'], '.coffee': 'coffee'},

    // enable or disable fs.watch() on hotswapping files
    // default: true
    watch: true,

    // automatically reload files on change
    // default: true
    autoreload: true,


I should really write up some good documentation and examples here -_-