rmjarvis / TreeCorr

Code for efficiently computing 2-point and 3-point correlation functions. For documentation, go to
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astronomy correlation des largescalestructure lsst python weaklensing

.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/rmjarvis/TreeCorr.svg?branch=main :target: https://travis-ci.org/rmjarvis/TreeCorr .. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/rmjarvis/TreeCorr/branch/main/graph/badge.svg :target: https://codecov.io/gh/rmjarvis/TreeCorr

TreeCorr is a package for efficiently computing 2-point and 3-point correlation functions.

The code is licensed under a FreeBSD license. Essentially, you can use the code in any way you want, but if you distribute it, you need to include the file TreeCorr_LICENSE with the distribution. See that file for details.


The easiest ways to install TreeCorr are either with pip::

pip install treecorr

or with conda::

conda install -c conda-forge treecorr

If you have previously installed TreeCorr, and want to upgrade to a new released version, you should do::

pip install treecorr --upgrade


conda update -c conda-forge treecorr

Depending on the write permissions of the python distribution for your specific system, you might need to use one of the following variants for pip installation::

sudo pip install treecorr
pip install treecorr --user

The latter installs the Python module into ~/.local/lib/python3.X/site-packages, which is normally already in your PYTHONPATH, but it puts the executables corr2 and corr3 into ~/.local/bin which is probably not in your PATH. To use these scripts, you should add this directory to your PATH. If you would rather install into a different prefix rather than ~/.local, you can use::

pip install treecorr --install-option="--prefix=PREFIX"

This would install the executables into PREFIX/bin and the Python module into PREFIX/lib/python3.X/site-packages.

If you would rather download the tarball and install TreeCorr yourself, that is also relatively straightforward:

  1. Download TreeCorr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    You can download the latest tarball from::


    Or you can clone the repository using either of the following::

    git clone git@github.com:rmjarvis/TreeCorr.git
    git clone https://github.com/rmjarvis/TreeCorr.git

    which will start out in the current stable release branch.

    Either way, cd into the TreeCorr directory.

  2. Install dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    All required dependencies should be installed automatically for you by pip or conda, so you should not need to worry about these. But if you are interested, the dependencies are:

    • numpy
    • pyyaml
    • LSSTDESC.Coord
    • pybind11

    They can all be installed at once by running::

    pip install -r requirements.txt


    conda install -c conda-forge treecorr --only-deps

    .. note::

    Several additional modules are not required for basic TreeCorr operations, but are
    potentially useful.
    - fitsio is required for reading FITS catalogs or writing to FITS output files.
    - pandas will signficantly speed up reading from ASCII catalogs.
    - pandas and pyarrow are required for reading Parquet files.
    - h5py is required for reading HDF5 catalogs.
    - mpi4py is required for running TreeCorr across multiple machines using MPI.
    These are all pip installable::
        pip install fitsio
        pip install pandas
        pip install pyarrow
        pip install h5py
        pip install mpi4py
    But they are not installed with TreeCorr automatically.
    Also, beware that many HPC machines (e.g. NERSC) have special instructions for installing
    mpi4py, so the above command may not work on such systems.  If you have trouble, look
    for specialized instructions about how to install mpi4py properly on your system.
  3. Install ^^^^^^^^^^

    You can then install TreeCorr from the local distribution. Typically this would be the command::

    pip install .

    If you don't have write permission in your python distribution, you might need to use::

    pip install . --user

    In addition to installing the Python module treecorr, this will install the executables corr2 and corr3 in a bin folder somewhere on your system. Look for a line like::

    Installing corr2 script to /anaconda3/bin

    or similar in the output to see where the scripts are installed. If the directory is not in your path, you will also get a warning message at the end letting you know which directory you should add to your path if you want to run these scripts.

  4. Run Tests (optional) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    If you want to run the unit tests, you can do the following::

    pip install -r test_requirements.txt
    cd tests

Two-point Correlations

This software is able to compute a variety of two-point correlations:

:NN: The normal two-point correlation function of number counts (typically galaxy counts).

:GG: Two-point shear-shear correlation function.

:KK: Nominally the two-point kappa-kappa correlation function, although any scalar quantity can be used as "kappa". In lensing, kappa is the convergence, but this could be used for temperature, size, etc.

:NG: Cross-correlation of counts with shear. This is what is often called galaxy-galaxy lensing.

:NK: Cross-correlation of counts with kappa. Again, "kappa" here can be any scalar quantity.

:KG: Cross-correlation of convergence with shear. Like the NG calculation, but weighting the pairs by the kappa values the foreground points.

There are also additional combinations involving complex fields with different spin than 2 (shear is a spin-2 field). See Two-point Correlation Functions <https://rmjarvis.github.io/TreeCorr/_build/html/correlation2.html>_ for more details.

Three-point Correlations

This software is not yet able to compute three-point cross-correlations, so the only avaiable three-point correlations are:

:NNN: Three-point correlation function of number counts.

:GGG: Three-point shear correlation function. We use the "natural components" called Gamma, described by Schneider & Lombardi (2003) (Astron.Astrophys. 397, 809) using the triangle centroid as the reference point.

:KKK: Three-point kappa correlation function. Again, "kappa" here can be any scalar quantity.

See Three-point Correlation Functions <https://rmjarvis.github.io/TreeCorr/_build/html/correlation3.html>_ for more details.

Running corr2 and corr3

The executables corr2 and corr3 each take one required command-line argument, which is the name of a configuration file::

corr2 config_file
corr3 config_file

A sample configuration file for corr2 is provided, called sample.params. See Configuration Parameters <https://rmjarvis.github.io/TreeCorr/_build/html/params.html>_ for the complete documentation about the allowed parameters.

You can also specify parameters on the command line after the name of the configuration file. e.g.::

corr2 config_file file_name=file1.dat gg_file_name=file1.out
corr2 config_file file_name=file2.dat gg_file_name=file2.out

This can be useful when running the program from a script for lots of input files.

See Using configuration files <https://rmjarvis.github.io/TreeCorr/_build/html/scripts.html>_ for more details.

Using the Python module

The typical usage in python is in three stages:

  1. Define one or more Catalogs with the input data to be correlated.
  2. Define the correlation function that you want to perform on those data.
  3. Run the correlation by calling process.
  4. Maybe write the results to a file or use them in some way.

For instance, computing a shear-shear correlation from an input file stored in a fits file would look something like the following::

>>> import treecorr
>>> cat = treecorr.Catalog('cat.fits', ra_col='RA', dec_col='DEC',
...                        ra_units='degrees', dec_units='degrees',
...                        g1_col='GAMMA1', g2_col='GAMMA2')
>>> gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(min_sep=1., max_sep=100., bin_size=0.1,
...                             sep_units='arcmin')
>>> gg.process(cat)
>>> xip = gg.xip  # The xi_plus correlation function
>>> xim = gg.xim  # The xi_minus correlation function
>>> gg.write('gg.out')  # Write results to a file

For more details, see our slightly longer Getting Started Guide <https://rmjarvis.github.io/TreeCorr/_build/html/guide.html>_.

Or for a more involved worked example, see our Jupyter notebook tutorial <https://github.com/rmjarvis/TreeCorr/blob/main/tests/Tutorial.ipynb>_.

And for the complete details about all aspects of the code, see the Sphinx-generated documentation <http://rmjarvis.github.io/TreeCorr>_.

Reporting bugs

If you find a bug running the code, please report it at:


Click "New Issue", which will open up a form for you to fill in with the details of the problem you are having.

Requesting features

If you would like to request a new feature, do the same thing. Open a new issue and fill in the details of the feature you would like added to TreeCorr. Or if there is already an issue for your desired feature, please add to the discussion, describing your use case. The more people who say they want a feature, the more likely I am to get around to it sooner than later.