Reload React.js components with Ruby on Rails & react-rails
When you edit components, they'll be reloaded by the browser & re-mounted in the page.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'react-rails-hot-loader'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install react-rails-hot-loader
Include the JavaScript:
// app/assets/javascripts/application.js
//= require react-rails-hot-loader
(When not Rails.env.development?
, this requires an empty file, so don't worry about leaving it in production deploys.)
Restart your development server
Edit files in /app/assets/javascripts
& save changes -- they'll be reloaded in the client and React components will be remounted.
(This gem includes an initializer to start a change notification server in development only.)
If you notice that your assets are not being recompiled and hot loaded, it could be because they aren't being matched by the default asset glob used (**/*.{js,coffee}*
). You can modify this asset glob like so:
# config/initializers/react_rails_hot_loader.rb
React::Rails::HotLoader::AssetChangeSet.asset_glob = "**/*.{css,sass,scss,js,rb}*" # I <3 Opal
You can choose a port to start it on (default is 8082
# config/initializers/react_rails_hot_loader.rb
React::Rails::HotLoader.port = 8088
) after reloading assetshtml
, erb
, slim
, etc)The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.