rmrevin / yii2-comments

Yii 2 comments extension
MIT License
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Yii 2 Comments Module

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composer require "rmrevin/yii2-comments:~1.4"


In config /protected/config/main.php

return [
    // ...
    'modules' => [
        // ...
        'comments' => [
            'class' => 'rmrevin\yii\module\Comments\Module',
            'userIdentityClass' => 'app\models\User',
            'useRbac' => true,
    // ...

In your User model (or another model implements the interface IdentityInterface) need to implement the interface "\rmrevin\yii\module\Comments\interfaces\CommentatorInterface"

class User extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
    // ...

    public function getCommentatorAvatar()
        return $this->avatar_url;

    public function getCommentatorName()
        return $this->name;

    public function getCommentatorUrl()
        return ['/profile', 'id' => $this->id]; // or false, if user does not have a public page

    // ...

In auth manager add rules (if Module::$useRbac = true):

use \rmrevin\yii\module\Comments\Permission;
use \rmrevin\yii\module\Comments\rbac\ItsMyComment;

$AuthManager = \Yii::$app->getAuthManager();
$ItsMyCommentRule = new ItsMyComment();


$AuthManager->add(new \yii\rbac\Permission([
    'name' => Permission::CREATE,
    'description' => 'Can create own comments',
$AuthManager->add(new \yii\rbac\Permission([
    'name' => Permission::UPDATE,
    'description' => 'Can update all comments',
$AuthManager->add(new \yii\rbac\Permission([
    'name' => Permission::UPDATE_OWN,
    'ruleName' => $ItsMyCommentRule->name,
    'description' => 'Can update own comments',
$AuthManager->add(new \yii\rbac\Permission([
    'name' => Permission::DELETE,
    'description' => 'Can delete all comments',
$AuthManager->add(new \yii\rbac\Permission([
    'name' => Permission::DELETE_OWN,
    'ruleName' => $ItsMyCommentRule->name,
    'description' => 'Can delete own comments',

Updating database schema

After you downloaded and configured rmrevin/yii2-comments, the last thing you need to do is updating your database schema by applying the migrations:

In command line:

php yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/rmrevin/yii2-comments/migrations/


In view

// ...

use rmrevin\yii\module\Comments;

echo Comments\widgets\CommentListWidget::widget([
    'entity' => (string) 'photo-15', // type and id


 Module parameters

Widget parameters

Extending the package

 Extending Model files

Depending on which ones you need, you can set the modelMap config property:

    // ...
    'modules' => [
        // ...
        'comments' => [
            'class' => 'rmrevin\yii\module\Comments\Module',
            'userIdentityClass' => 'app\models\User',
            'useRbac' => true,
            'modelMap' => [
                'Comment' => '@app\comments\CommentModel'
    // ...

Attention: keep in mind that if you are changing the Comment model, the new class should always extend the package's original Comment class.

 Attaching behaviors and event handlers

The package allows you to attach behavior or event handler to any model. To do this you can set model map like so:

    // ...
    'modules' => [
        // ...
        'comments' => [
            'class' => 'rmrevin\yii\module\Comments\Module',
            'userIdentityClass' => 'app\models\User',
            'useRbac' => true,
            'modelMap' => [
                'Comment' => [
                    'class' => '@app\comments\CommentModel',
                    'on event' => function(){
                        // code here
                    'as behavior' => 
                        ['class' => 'Foo'],
    // ...

Extending View files

You can extend the view files supplied by this package using the theme component in the config file.

// app/config/web.php

'components' => [
    'view' => [
        'theme' => [
            'pathMap' => [
                '@vendor/rmrevin/yii2-comments/widgets/views' => '@app/views/comments', // example: @app/views/comment/comment-form.php

 Extending Widgets

To extend the widget code and behavior you only have to extend the widget classes and call them instead of the package's ones.