rmusser01 / tldw

Too Long, Didn't Watch(TL/DW): Your Personal Research Multi-Tool - Open Source NotebookLM
Apache License 2.0
44 stars 2 forks source link
ai-assistant ai-ml ai-ml-beginner-projects apache2 llm multi-tool open-source research summarizer summarizer-ai youtube yt-dlp

TL/DW: Too Long, Didnt Watch

Download, Transcribe & Summarize: Video+Audio+Documents+Articles & Books(WIP). All automated

More: Full-Text-Search across everything ingested, Local LLM inference as part of it for those who don't want to mess with setting up an LLM, and a WebApp to interact with the script in a more user-friendly manner (all features are exposed through it).

Public Demo

Demo may be broken but should be working. If it's not, let me know. (HF dev spaces is touchy...)


Table of Contents

What is this (TL/DW)?

For commercial API usage for use with this project: Claude Sonnet 3.5, Cohere Command R+, DeepSeek. Flipside I would say none honestly. The(the largest players) will gaslight you and charge you money for it. Fun. From @nrose 05/08/2024 on Threads:

No, it’s a design. First they train it, then they optimize it. Optimize it for what- better answers? No. For efficiency. 
Per watt. Because they need all the compute they can get to train the next model.So it’s a sawtooth. 
The model declines over time, then the optimization makes it somewhat better, then in a sort of reverse asymptote, 
they dedicate all their “good compute” to the next bigger model.Which they then trim down over time, so they can train 
the next big model… etc etc.
None of these companies exist to provide AI services in 2024. They’re only doing it to finance the things they want to 
build in 2025 and 2026 and so on, and the goal is to obsolete computing in general and become a hidden monopoly like 
the oil and electric companies. 
2024 service quality is not a metric they want to optimize, they’re forced to, only to maintain some directional income

For offline LLM usage, I recommend the following fine-tuned Mistral-Instruct v0.2 model:

Alternatively, there is https://huggingface.co/microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct, which you can get in a GGUF format from here: https://huggingface.co/microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct-gguf

CLI Screenshot

GUI Screenshot tldw-summarization-gui-demo


  1. Update your drivers. (I.e. CUDA for Nvidia GPUs, or AMD drivers (ROCM) for AMD GPUs )
  2. Install Python3 for your platform - https://www.python.org/downloads/
  3. Download the repo: git clone https://github.com/rmusser01/tldw or manually download it (Green code button, upper right corner -> Download ZIP) and extract it to a folder of your choice.
  4. Open a terminal, navigate to the directory you cloned the repo to, or unzipped the downloaded zip file to, and run the following commands:
    • Create a virtual env: python -m venv .\
    • Launch/activate your virtual env: . .\scripts\activate.ps1
      • If you don't already have cuda installed(Nvidia), py -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel & pip install torch==2.2.2 torchvision==0.17.2 torchaudio==2.2.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
      • Or AMD (Windows): pip install torch-directml
      • Or CPU Only: pip install torch==2.2.2 torchvision==0.17.2 torchaudio==2.2.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu
    • pip install -r requirements.txt - may take a bit of time...
  5. You are Ready to Go! Check out the below sample commands:

Using tldw

Save time and use the config.txt file, it allows you to set these settings and have them used when ran.

positional arguments:
  input_path            Path or URL of the video

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --video           Download the video instead of just the audio
  -api API_NAME, --api_name API_NAME
                        API name for summarization (optional)
  -key API_KEY, --api_key API_KEY
                        API key for summarization (optional)
  -ns NUM_SPEAKERS, --num_speakers NUM_SPEAKERS
                        Number of speakers (default: 2)
  -wm WHISPER_MODEL, --whisper_model WHISPER_MODEL
                        Whisper model (default: small)| Options: tiny.en, tiny, base.en, base, small.en, small, medium.en, medium, large-v1, large-v2, large-v3, large, distil-large-v2, distil-medium.en, distil-small.en, distil-large-v3
  -off OFFSET, --offset OFFSET
                        Offset in seconds (default: 0)
  -vad, --vad_filter    Enable VAD filter
                        Log level (default: INFO)
  -gui, --user_interface
                        Launch the Gradio user interface
  -demo, --demo_mode    Enable demo mode
  -prompt CUSTOM_PROMPT, --custom_prompt CUSTOM_PROMPT
                        Pass in a custom prompt to be used in place of the existing one.
                         (Probably should just modify the script itself...)
  -overwrite, --overwrite
                        Overwrite existing files
  -roll, --rolling_summarization
                        Enable rolling summarization
  -detail DETAIL_LEVEL, --detail_level DETAIL_LEVEL
                        Mandatory if rolling summarization is enabled, defines the chunk  size.
                         Default is 0.01(lots of chunks) -> 1.00 (few chunks)
                         Currently only OpenAI works.
  -model LLM_MODEL, --llm_model LLM_MODEL
                        Model to use for LLM summarization (only used for vLLM/TabbyAPI)
  -k KEYWORDS [KEYWORDS ...], --keywords KEYWORDS [KEYWORDS ...]
                        Keywords for tagging the media, can use multiple separated by spaces (default: cli_ingest_no_tag)
  --log_file LOG_FILE   Where to save logfile (non-default)
  --local_llm           Use a local LLM from the script(Downloads llamafile from github and 'mistral-7b-instruct-v0.2.Q8' - 8GB model from Huggingface)
  --server_mode         Run in server mode (This exposes the GUI/Server to the network)
  --share_public SHARE_PUBLIC
                        This will use Gradio's built-in ngrok tunneling to share the server publicly on the internet. Specify the port to use (default: 7860)
  --port PORT           Port to run the server on (default: 7860)

Sample commands:
    1. Simple Sample command structure:
        summarize.py <path_to_video> -api openai -k tag_one tag_two tag_three

    2. Rolling Summary Sample command structure:
        summarize.py <path_to_video> -api openai -prompt "custom_prompt_goes_here-is-appended-after-transcription" -roll -detail 0.01 -k tag_one tag_two tag_three

    3. FULL Sample command structure:
        summarize.py <path_to_video> -api openai -ns 2 -wm small.en -off 0 -vad -log INFO -prompt "custom_prompt" -overwrite -roll -detail 0.01 -k tag_one tag_two tag_three

    4. Sample command structure for UI:
        summarize.py -gui -log DEBUG

By default, videos, transcriptions and summaries are stored in a folder with the video's name under './Results', unless otherwise specified in the config file.

Setting up a Local LLM Inference Engine

Pieces & What's in the original repo?

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