rnag / medium-sdk-ts

TypeScript (TS) client for the Medium SDK
MIT License
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[!WARNING] This API is no longer supported or maintained by Medium.

Medium SDK for TypeScript

medium-sdk-ts: Stable npm

This repository contains the open source SDK for integrating Medium's OAuth2 API into your TypeScript (or NodeJs) app.

View the full documentation here.


With npm do:

npm i medium-sdk-ts


Create a client, then call commands on it.

import {
} from 'medium-sdk-ts';

// Uncomment for CommonJS (Require)
// const {
//     MediumClient,
//     PostContentFormat,
//     PostPublishStatus,
// } = require('medium-sdk-ts');

// Access Token is optional, can also be set
// as environment variable `MEDIUM_ACCESS_TOKEN`
const medium = new MediumClient('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

async function main() {
  const user = await medium.getUser();
  console.log(`User: ${JSON.stringify(user, null, 2)}`);

  const { id: userId, username } = user;

  // Publish New Draft Post for User
  const post = await medium.createPost({
    // Only `title` and `content` are required to create a post
    title: 'A new post',
    content: '<h1>A New Post</h1><p>This is my new post.</p>',
    // Optional below
    contentFormat: PostContentFormat.HTML,   // Defaults to `markdown`
    publishStatus: PostPublishStatus.DRAFT,  // Defaults to `draft`
    // tags: ["my", "tags"],
    // canonicalUrl: "https://my-url.com",
  console.log(`New Post: ${JSON.stringify(post, null, 2)}`);

  // Get User's Published Posts (Title Only)
  const postTitles = await medium.getPostTitles(username);
  console.log(`User Post Titles: ${JSON.stringify(postTitles, null, 2)}`);



Questions, comments, bug reports, and pull requests are all welcomed. If you haven't contributed to a Medium project before please head over to the Open Source Project and fill out an OCLA (it should be pretty painless).



Originally Licensed under Apache License Version 2.0.

Licensed under MIT. Details in the attached LICENSE file.