rnpgp / sexpp

C++ Library for SEXP (S-expressions)
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= S-Expressions parser and generator library in C++ (SEXP in C++)

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== Purpose

This is a C++ library for working with S-Expressions.

This implementation is derived from the reference SEXP C library developed by Prof. Ronald Rivest and Prof. Butler Lampson of MIT LCS (now CSAIL).

This library differs from the original C implementation in the following ways:

The original C library was available at (but no longer accessible):

== Background

S-Expressions are a data structure for representing complex data as a variation on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisp_(programming_language)[LISP] S-Expressions.

S-Expressions were originally adopted for use in http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~cis/sdsi.html[SDSI] and http://world.std.com/~cme/html/spki.html[SPKI].

SDSI has been developed by Prof. https://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/index.html[Ronald L. Rivest] and Prof. Butler Lampson of http://www.lcs.mit.edu/[MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science], members of http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~cis[LCS's Cryptography and Information Security] research group.

NOTE: SDSI research has been supported by DARPA contract DABT63-96-C-0018, "Security for Distributed Computer Systems".

NOTE: SPKI has been developed by http://www.clark.net/pub/cme/home.html[Carl Ellison] and others in the IETF SPKI working group.

== S-Expressions specification

NOTE: The "SEXP 1.0 guide" used to be at https://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/Sexp.txt.

== Code

The library is a deep rework to C++ of the original https://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/sexp.html[SEXP library] that maintains full support of original specification.

While most applications will not need anything but the simple canonical and transport formats; however, the code here is considerably more complex because it also supports the advanced format, both for input and for output.

== Building and installation


$ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ cmake --build . $ ctest $ cmake --install .

== CMake script options

BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL:: (default: OFF) build shared library

WITH_SEXP_TESTS:BOOL:: (default: ON) build tests

DOWNLOAD_GTEST:: (default: ON) if tests are built, automatically download googletest from GitHub; when set to OFF, the googletest binary package needs to be available for SEXP tests.

WITH_SEXP_CLI:BOOL:: (default: ON) build the sexp command-line utility

WITH_SANITIZERS:BOOL:: (default: OFF) build with address and other sanitizers (requires clang compiler)

== SEXPP command-line utility

The sexpp command-line utility is reference parser and generator of S-Expressions. It can read, parse and print out SEXP in all defined formats.

=== Switches

.sexpp switches [options="header"] |=== | Switch | Description | Default

3+| Input | -i <filename> | input file name | read input from console (stdin) | -p | prompt input if reading from console | disabled | -s | treat input as a single SEXP string | disabled, input is treated as an S-Expression

3+| Output | -o <filename> | output file name: | write output to console (stdout) | -a | generate advanced transport format | enabled if no format is specified | -b | generate base-64 transport format | disabled | -c | generate canonical format | disabled | -l | suppress linefeeds after output | disabled | -w <width> | set output line width (0 implies no constraint)| 75

3+| Miscellaneous | -x | execute repeatedly until EOF | process single S-Expression then exit | -h | print help message and exit |


Running without switches implies: -p -a -b -c -x.

=== Usage examples

Prompt for S-Expressions input from console, parse and output it to certificate.dat in base64 transport format.


$ sexpp -o certificate.dat -p -b

Input: (aa bb (cc dd))

Writing base64 (of canonical) output to 'certificate.dat'

Parse all S-Expressions from certificate.dat, output them to console in advanced transport format with no prompts:


$ sexpp -i certificate.dat -x


Parse S-Expressions from certificate.dat, output it to console in canonical, base64 and advanced format with prompts and no width limitation:


$ sexpp -i certificate.dat -a -b -c -p -w 0

Reading input from certificate.dat

Canonical output: (2:aa2:bb(2:cc2:dd)) Base64 (of canonical) output: {KDI6YWEyOmJiKDI6Y2MyOmRkKSk=} Advanced transport output: (aa bb (cc dd))

Repeatedly prompt for S-Expressions input from console, parse and output it console in advanced, base64 and canonical formats:


$ sexpp -p -a -b -c -x

or just


$ sexpp

Input: (abc def (ghi jkl))

Canonical output: (3:abc3:def(3:ghi3:jkl)) Base64 (of canonical) output: {KDM6YWJjMzpkZWYoMzpnaGkzOmprbCkp} Advanced transport output: (abc def (ghi jkl))

Input: ^C

== License

Copyright Ribose.

The code is made available as open-source software under the MIT License.