rnpgp / snap-rnp

Snap package for RNP
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= rnp-snap: RNP Snap Package

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== Installation

The released rnp snap package is located at Snapcraft: https://snapcraft.io/rnp[rnp snap].

== Building the package

== Publishing the package

== Testing the package

If you are on macOS you can install snap to any of your multipass instances with:


multipass transfer rnp_amd64.snap ${instance-name}:/home/multipass multipass shell ${instance-name} sudo snap install --devmode rnp_amd64.snap

After this the snap is ready to use.

=== Testing uninstallation

Execute the following command to uninstall rnp.


sudo snap remove rnp

After executing the uninstall ensure that the rnp executable is no longer found.

You can also try running rnp --VERSION from the command-line to see if it is still installed.