roa-2023 / missingPurrson

Final Project - Daniel, Anthony, Ari, Sofia
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Missing Purrson Documentation


Cats can be fickle creatures and are known to occassionally take a hiatus. The heartache endured by their owners is all-consuming and leads to desperation. We've all seen posters stuck around of missing pets, their reach is limited, and hope wanes much like the sad paper that unpeels in the rain... Aside from conventional social media/forums, there's no attractive dedicated online space to post about your awol-kitty troubles. A team of developers has taken it upon themselves to address this need. And so, we present Missing Purrson; the site to help cat owners reunite with their furry friends.

Our MVP will allow a user to:

As stretch, our website will allow users to:

The tech we will use.

User Stories



Branches: main -> dev -> 'front-end + descriptor' and 'back-end + descriptor'.

We will create pull requests to dev when features are finished on each branch. Anthony (Git Keeper) will manage the merges to dev.

The team will check whether:


We will be using the digital KANBAN in our repo for the high-level planning. We will be using a physical KANBAN day-to-day


We will divide the workload into front-end & back-end pairs, making sure to swap so that everyone can work on all layers of the stack. For now, the workload will be dividing as follows.




What might a day look like?

Turn up at 8:45am, start the day with a coffee and a standup. Set the daily KANBAN on the whiteboard. Take 5-10 mins in the morning and lunch to chat about the vibes. Work as a team to check the vibes during the day.

Lunch break at 12:30pm, taking regular breaks when needed. Allow for independent rest outside of Dev Academy during the day.

Provided we are clear on what we are doing (and not at meetings or taking breaks), we will be working on the tech during the day.

Post-lunch check-in (to make sure we are all on the same page.)

End of day retro to discuss what went well and what didn't.

Link to designs/wireframes


Link to the database diagram -

Missing Cat Table

cat_id [PK] increment unique identifier for a missing cat
microchip boolean yes/no whether they are microchipped
microchip_number string unique number from the microchip
user_id_mc [FK] integer unique identifier for the cat owner
cat_name string name of the cat
breed string breed of the cat
color string color of the cat
description string description of the cat
date_lost date date the cat went missing
location string last known location
cat_missing boolean cat status is initially set to missing
missing_cat_phone string cat owner's phone number
missing_cat_email string cat owner's email
missing_image_url string image path for the uploaded photo

Users Table

user_id [PK] increment unique identifier for each user
username string username from auth0 registration
password string password from auth0 registration
email string used to log into user account
auth0_id string unique identifier supplied by auth0
given_name string user's first name
family_name string user's last name

Sighted Cats Table

sighted_cat_id [PK] integer unique identifier for a missing cat
user_id_sc [FK] integer unique identifier for the cat owner
cat_id_mc [FK] integer unique identifier for a sighted cat
color string color of the cat
description string description of the cat
date_seen date date the cat went missing
location string last known location
sighted_cat_phone string phone number
sighted_cat_email string cat owner's email
sighted_image_url string image path for the uploaded photo

Naming conventions

Database db-cats.ts getAllMissingCatsDb
Database db-cats.ts getOneMissingCatDb
Database db-cats.ts addMissingCatDb
Database db-cats.ts deleteMissingCatDb
Database db-cats.ts updateMissingCatDb
Database db-cats.ts addSightedCatDb
Database db-cats.ts singleCatSightingsDb
Database db-users.ts getUsersDb
Database db-users.ts getOneUserDb
API Client api-cats.ts getAllMissingCatsApi
API Client api-cats.ts getOneMissingCatApi
API Client api-cats.ts addMissingCatApi
API Client api-cats.ts deleteMissingCatApi
API Client api-cats.ts getCatSightingsApi
API Client api-cats.ts addCatSightingApi
Component components AddCatSightings
Component components AddMissingCat
Component components App
Component components DeleteCat
Component components Home
Component components Map
Component components MissingCatList
Component components Nav
Component components SignIn
Component components SignOut
Component components SingleCat
Component components UpdateCat

We will be using snake_case for back-end function names, and camelCase for the front-end.

Server API endpoints

GET /api/v1/missingcats No gets all missing cats an array of cats Working
GET /api/v1/missingcats/singlecat/:catId No gets one missing cat an object Working
POST /api/v1/missingcats/addcat Yes add a new missing cat the newly uploaded cat Working
DELETE /api/v1/missingcat/:catId Yes delete an existing cat nothing (status OK) In Progress
PATCH /api/v1/missingcat/:catId Yes update an existing cat the updated cat In Progress
GET /api/v1/sightedcats/singlecat/sighting/:catIdMc No gets all sightings for an individual missing cat an object Working
POST /api/v1/sightedcats/:catIdMc/add Yes add a new sighting of a missing cat the newly uploaded cat Working
PATCH /api/v1/sightedcats/:catIdMc Yes update a sighted cat the updated cat In Progress
GET /api/v1/users Yes gets a list of all users an array of users Stretch
GET /api/v1/map No gets map data from external API TBC Stretch
POST /api/v1/auth/login Yes log in a user the user's JWT token Stretch
POST /api/v1/auth/register Yes register a user the user's JWT token Stretch

Views Client Side

Home yes welcomes the user, displays links to the 'list a missing cat' and 'missing cats' pages, and has login/register buttons in the top corner
Missing Cats yes shows images and some details of all the missing cats from the database that the user can click
List a Missing Cat yes shows a form to submit missing cat details and upload an image to the database. Includes disclaimer about sharing personal information.
Cat Profile yes shows all the details of each missing cat (images, name, breed, age, last-seen/area, owner information)
Cat Sightings yes allows a user to record whether they have seen a missing cat. Includes a form for a user to record the place, time, photo, comment/description of the sighting. Includes google map api as stretch
Register no linked from the home page. View for the user to create an account
Login no linked from the home page. View for the user to log into their account


To make a request to the server that checks the authentication of the user, use the custom hook useAuthorisedRequest(method, endpoint, body) which returns <Promise<() => Promise<request.response>>>

Parameter Data Type Purpose
method string the type of the request. get post patch or delete
endpoint string the endpoint of the request
body string or undefined the body of the request

An example on how to create an authorised request:

//React Component function
export function CreateGetRequest() {

  // Use the hook at the top level of your component
  const makeRequest = useAuthorisedRequest('get', '/api/v1/auth', undefined)

  async function OnGetRequest() {

    // Make the request
    const response = await (await makeRequest)()
    // Output the response to console

  return (
    // Only send an authorised request if the user is authenticated
      <button onClick={OnGetRequest}>Create get request</button>

There are two example react components SignIn and SignOut that show how to sign the user in, out, and how to make an authenticated request. They should be placed as siblings in their parent component.


Helper Components

There are two helper components that will render their children conditionally

// Will only render the <p> tag if the user is currently authenticated
      <p>Currently signed in</p>
// Will only render the <p> tag if the user is currently signed-out
      <p>Currently signed out! Click here to sign in</p>

Human Skills - link to conflict resolution plan