road86 / bahis-desk

Desktop application for BAHIS2
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 1 forks source link


Local Development - Setup


We need node v18 - the latest LTS. On linux a convenient way is to use Node Version Manager (

nvm install lts/hydrogen
nvm use lts/hydrogen

Next, in your shell, change directory to the bahis-desk project and run:

npm install
npm run dev


On Windows install node direct from their website, or by clicking here.

Please tick to install all additional tools with "chocolatey" that should cover all of the other requirements (visual studio, python etc.)

Helpful tricks

How to format code locally

Just run npm run format

How to lint your code to find potential issues

Just run npm run lint-electron for the electron code and npm run lint-react for the react code.

core dumped and loads of go errors

Scroll up - do you see "fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!". If so, I think you are using the wrong version of node. Try running:

node --version

And then select the correct version with nvm or whatever you're using.

better-sqlite error

If you get an error like this (note: version numbers may vary):

Uncaught Error: The module './node_modules/better-sqlite3/build/Release/better_sqlite3.node'
was compiled against a different Node.js version using
NODE_MODULE_VERSION 64. This version of Node.js requires
NODE_MODULE_VERSION 69. Please try re-compiling or re-installing

First, check you are using the correct version of node:

node --version

Then, if you are, run:

npm run fix-better-sqlite-build-error

clearing the local datatabase

In order to reset the database before the next build you need to remove the bahis files, e.g. on linux:

rm -rf ~/.config/bahis

The exact location of your database will be in the electron-debug.log file and / or printed to your console.

too many watchers

There is some leak in UI code that might give an error saying that there are too many watchers. Try this

echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p


Building the app for distribution

For Windows

npm run build


We have three .env files:

Note that all variables in .env files should follow the naming format of: VITE_[SCOPE]_[REALLY_USEFUL_NAME], where SCOPE is on of [BAHIS, ELECTRON, REACT] depending on whether it defines how the system interacts with the BAHIS server, the electron main process, or the react renderer process. Once variables are read into the code they can loose the VITE_ prefix, e.g. VITE_BAHIS_SERVER_URL becomes BAHIS_SERVER_URL.

Locally overriding environment variables

If you have a .env.local file, this will be used instead of .env for local development, e.g. your .env.local if you are testing local server changes might look like this:


Adding new environment variables

Note that adding environment variables is a multistep process and depends on what you're trying to acheive.

Scenario 1 - environment variables that depend only on the build mode

If you're trying to set an environment variable that depends only on the build mode (development / staging / production), e.g. BAHIS_SERVER_URL might be http://localhost in development and in staging and if you are accessing this variable in the electron main process (probably the most common scenario), you can hard code this into the switch statement near the top of /electron/main.ts. For example:

// default environment variables, i.e. for local development

// set environment variables based on mode
switch (import.meta.env.MODE) {
    case 'development':
    case 'staging':
        BAHIS_SERVER_URL = '';

If you also want to enable the ability to override this variable from a .env file or local shell environment, you can add the following code below the switch statement:

// overwrite anything defined in a .env file
if (import.meta.env.VITE_BAHIS_BAHIS_SERVER_URL) {
    log.warn(`Overwriting BAHIS_SERVER_URL base on environment variables or .env[.local] file.`)

Scenario 2 - environment variables that vary based on the server or user, e.g. secret keys or URLs that change between deployments

Store these inside an appropriate .env file: