roadlittledawn / workout-tracker

MIT License
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Authenticating with Strava

Authorization callback domain

Ensure the authorization callback domain used in redirect_uri is registered in the Strava API app settings in Authorization Callback Domain field. Note that localhost and are whitelisted by default.

oAuth workflow

  1. Go to this page in browser:,read_all,activity%3Aread,activity%3Aread_all&approval_prompt=force&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2Foauth-callback&response_type=code

  2. Approve permissions on oAuth page

  3. When redirected get code param

  4. Using that code value, send api call to:

  5. Use the new access_code returned in JSON in Bearer auth header in subsequent resource calls (for example, /api/v3/athlete/activities)

Get athlete activities

Get all activity data for syncing to DB. Can use until refresh token required.


Using this repo as template.

May use this one too for oAuth / next.js / express

Boilerplace custom server express from Vercel