robbielynch / ierlang

An Erlang language kernel for IPython.
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Interactive Erlang Notebook

IErlang is an Erlang language kernel for IPython. It allows users to use IPython's Notebook frontend, except where IPython executes python code, IErlang can execute erlang code and compile and execute erlang modules.

This is on top of all of IPython's other frontend features like Markdown rendering, HTML rendering, saving notebooks for later use and even the ability to view IErlang Notebooks in IPython's NBViewer



You need only do the following to get started:

For Python 2.7.*

$ make demo

For Python 3.4.*

$ make demo3

This will do the following:


Other make targets are also provided. Some notes about these:



The development of this language kernel for IPython is at it's very early stages. This is Alpha. Take with a large pinch of salt. No sugar necessary, because it's pretty damn sweet! :)

IPython Workaround

Please note: in order to use IErlang, it is required to patch one of IPython's files. In IPython 2.0.0, this does not affect the usage of the original IPython.


I am eager to receive feedback from anyone who has attempted to use IErlang. I would love to hear some thoughts on how to improve IErlang.
