robcharlwood / you-judge

An experimental Google AppEngine app using natural language processing to process user sentiment analysis on YouTube content and comments.
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link
appengine cloud-natural-language-api google-cloud-platform python youtube-api


Build Status Coverage Status

This project is intended for educational purposes only.

An experimental app using Google's Natural Language processing to process user sentiment analysis on YouTube content and comments.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

If you created your environment with virtualenvwrapper, then I suggest adding the below to your virtualenv's postactivate script so that you can always ensure you are working on the correct path when you activate your env.

In your choice of editor open the below file - example uses nano: nano /Users/foo/.virtualenvs/virtualenvname/bin/postactivate

Now ensure that you add the below

cd /path/to/where/code/lives/

Once you activate your environment, this code will move you to the project's code directory.

Running the project locally

Running test suite

You can run the test suite using the below command.


You can also run individual test classes or tests using the spec syntax.

Cleaning the codebase with isort

You can clean the codebase using the ./clean_imports script

Suggested Deployment Process

To deploy the code to appengine follow the below steps


This project uses git for versioning. For the available versions, see the tags on this repository.

Code style

This project adheres to pep8 standards and we use isort to handle the sorting of imports. The Python code is all unit tested as a bare minimum with integration and end to end tests added for particularly complex parts of functionality.

Calling all Front end Engineers

This project is accepting pull requests on pretty much anything front end. I'm a backend Engineer by trade, and whilst I can make things look good, I can't do it as well as you lot can. :) Themes, JS, optimisations, progressive enhancement etc its all good! All PR's very, very welcome.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
