robclewley / pydstool

PyDSTool main development repo
171 stars 65 forks source link


|buildstatus| |coverage|

This is a beta release version.

PyDSTool is a sophisticated & integrated simulation and analysis environment for dynamical systems models of physical systems (ODEs, DAEs, maps, and hybrid systems).

PyDSTool is platform independent, written primarily in Python with some underlying C and Fortran legacy code for fast solving. It makes extensive use of the numpy and scipy libraries. PyDSTool supports symbolic math, optimization, phase plane analysis, continuation and bifurcation analysis, data analysis, and other tools for modeling -- particularly for biological applications.

The project is fully open source with a BSD license, and welcomes contributions from the community.

See more at <>__.


*  `Python <>`__ 3.6+;
*  `numpy <>`__;
*  `scipy <>`__.

Dopri/Radau and AUTO interface requirements

*  `swig <>`__ > 2.0;
*  C compiler (e.g, gcc or clang);
*  GNU Fortran compiler (Radau only).

Optional requirements

*  `matplotlib <>`__
   Matplotlib is needed for plotting functionality and running many of the examples.


*  `ipython <>`__


Debian/Ubuntu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Getting started and documentation

See the `online documentation <>`__,
particularly the GettingStarted and Tutorials pages! Please report bugs
and suggestions using the user forum linked to there.

Tests and examples

Running examples ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Examples can be found in the examples directory. Some examples can only be run once, others have produced their output, for instance, Several of the examples require an external compiler. An easy way to run all the examples in an appropriate order is to run the script '':


    cd examples

There is a simple option in that file that you may need to edit in order to select whether the external compiler tests should be run (in case you do not have gcc and gfortran working on your system).

Note that on some platforms you will see an error report when the script tries to automatically close matplotlib graph windows, to the effect of:


"Fatal Python error: PyEval_RestoreThread: NULL tstate"

This error can be ignored. You may also have to close the plot windows yourself before the script can continue. This will depend on your platform and settings.

Running test suite ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

To run test suite, install py.test <> and mock <>, using pip:


    sudo pip install py.test mock

or package manager:


    sudo apt-get install python-pytest python-mock

Then run:


    python test

Getting coverage report ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Coding and design by Robert Clewley, Erik Sherwood, Drew LaMar, Vladimir
Zakharov, and John Guckenheimer, except where otherwise stated in the
code or documentation. (Several other open source codes have been
redistributed here under the compatible licenses.)


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