robdodson / angular-custom-elements

Polymer directive to hold all yr bindings together
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Angular 1.x directive to hold all yr Custom Element bindings together 😁

note: This is still experimental so use at your own risk


npm install --save angular-custom-elements


<div ng-controller="MainCtrl as main">
  <fancy-input message="{{main.greeting}}" ce-interpolated></fancy-input>
app.component('fooComponent', {
 template: `
   <p>Angular string is: {{$ctrl.str}}</p>
   <my-input message="$ctrl.str"

How does it work?

Interpolated bindings

Polymer's two-way binding system is event based. Anytime a bindable property changes it fires an event named: [property]-changed. For example, a two-way bindable property named foo would fire a foo-changed event.

This means we can listen for the *-changed events coming off of an element, and take the new value and pass it into our scope using $evalAsync.

This also means you could write your own Custom Elements that didn't use Polymer and so long as they fired a [property]-changed event, and the event.detail.value contained the new value, it would also work.

One-way bindings

For Angular 1.5 style one-way bindings, we look at the Input, e.g. friend="$ctrl.person", set the property on the Custom Element using the value from $ctrl.person, and create a watcher to update the Custom Element anytime the $ctrl.person property changes.

For Outputs, we look for any attribute starting with on- and create an event listener which triggers the corresponding handler in our Angular controller. E.g. on-person-changed="$ctrl.updatePerson($event)" will listen for the person-changed event and call the controller's updatePerson method, passing the event object to it. The controller can then take the value of event.detail and choose what to do with it. Because Custom Elements typically communicate to the outside world using Events, this binding will only create event listeners. This means you cannot use the Angular 1.5 approach of creating a callback with named arguments:

// This will NOT work. The argument will be ignored and the handler
// will always be called with the event object
on-person-changed="$ctrl.updatePerson({name: 'Bob'})"

Instead, treat these as regular event listeners and use the value(s) passed via event.detail.

How is this different from other Polymer + Angular adapters?

The two adapters I've found are angular-bind-polymer and ng-polymer-elements. Both are very cool but they have limitations which this project (hopefully) fixes.

angular-bind-polymer relies on Mutation Observers to notify the scope when an element's attributes change. This only works if the element chooses to serialize its internal state back to strings and reflect them to attributes. Most Polymer elements do not do this, meaning they can't be used with angular-bind-polymer.

ng-polymer-elements attempts to create directives for specific attributes exposed by Polymer elements but this becomes a bit of an arms race as every time an element creates a new attribute/property then ng-polymer-elements needs to be updated. It also relies on Object.observe which has been removed from the platform, so an additional polyfill is required.