robert-godlewski / ghost_pants_website
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This is mainly a blog website that talks a lot about games and tv shows. The name is called Ghost Pants because that's what Blizzard's account called it as.

Needs for the project

Technology Used

This is a list of technologies used to build up the website.

Python logo Django logo

Will need to add in:

HTML5 logo CSS3 logo JavaScript logo Bootstrap Logo jQuery Logo PostgreSQL Logo Nginx Logo Gunicorn Logo Docker Logo

Programming Languages

  1. JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React
  2. Python and Django

Will need JavaScript, HTML, and CSS because that's just basic Web Development needs. Generally will use Bootstrap for some specific styling stuff. React for single page rendering mechanics built in for better UI experience. Skipping jQuery because React is enough for specific UI stuff if Bootstrap is not able to handle it - Django-jQuery setup. We are skipping TypeScript because it's not necessary for this.

We will use Python and Django for this project because Django is great for blogs.


We will stick with a Relational Database Management System. Specifically we will be using PostgreSQL due to being free and open source as well as the ability to handle complex data. We will start out with SQLite though to start out with though.


Using Nginx and Gunicorn for this because they are compatible with Django Development.

Cloud Service Provider

Need to choose between:

Most likely going to choose Heroku due to being cheap and this is mainly for myself.
