robertZaufall / mindmanager_ai

MindManager Automation and AI Integration on Windows and macOS
MIT License
27 stars 2 forks source link
applescript appscript azure-ai claude3 gpt4 groq macos macros mermaid mindjet mindmanager mindmap mistral mixtral ollama openai python refinement vba wwb

MindManager Automation and AI Integration Windows + macOS

These automations and macros enhance mindmaps created by MindManager on macOS and Windows.





Note: Image generation with DALL-E 3 or SD3 needs far more time than in these animations.
More animated examples are in the doc folder.


Supported LLMs

Supported Image Generation Systems

Supported Professional Translation Services



Implemented Business or Use Cases

  1. Refinement of the map or topic.
  2. Refinement of the map or topic from a development perspective.
  3. Create examples for one, more (selected) or all topics.
  4. Clustering topics from scratch.
  5. Clustering by one or more criterias eg. Organization/Process/Project/Expertise, Capex-Opex perspective.
  6. Complex cases (multiple calls): eg. refinement + clustering + examples.
  7. Image generation with DALL-E 3, SD3, Imagen3, MLX from topics
  8. Professional translation of all topics by DeepL
  9. Export Mermaid mindmap HTML document
  10. Export Markmap mindmap HTML document
  11. PDF to mindmap, batch (w/ GPT-4o, Gemini 1.5 Flash, Claude 3.5 Sonnet)
  12. Generate a glossary HTML document of all terms

Refinemnt + Glossary

Other Use Cases (implemented or easy to add)



First install the Windows package manager Chocolatey from an administration shell or choose any other way following
This is one line:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Change to folder %localappdata%\Mindjet\MindManager\23\macros:

cd %localappdata%\Mindjet\MindManager\23\macros

Copy all files from the GitHub repository to this location.
Change to windows folder:

cd windows

Run install.bat or the following commands (requirements_auth.txt only if you want to use Azure Entra ID or GCP OAuth2):

choco install python3
pip install -r .\..\requirements.txt
pip install -r .\..\requirements_win.txt
pip install -r .\..\requirements_auth.txt
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\macro_registration.ps1

Check in registry and MindManager, if the macros are available (right click on topic).
Hint: The macro list is ordered according to the GUID-string, not the macro name.


Macros can also be executed by the macro editor. The macros are similar but the action parameter.


You can also check here if the path to the python files is correct.


Python has to be installed first. Go to and download the desired installer.
Install required python libraries (requirements_auth.txt only if you want to use Azure Entra ID or GCP OAuth2, requirements_mac_mlx.txt is only needed for local image generation using MLX):

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_mac.txt
pip install -r requirements_mac_mlx.txt
pip install -r requirements_auth.txt

Create the directory structure ~/git/mindmanager_ai with Terminal:

cd ~/
mkdir git
cd git
mkdir mindmanager_ai
cd mindmanager_ai

Copy all repository files to this location as the Automator workflows contain this path.
Alternatively you can clone the repository in Terminal:

cd ~/
mkdir git
cd git
git clone
cd mindmanager_ai

Change to folder macos and copy the Automator workflows to the ~/Library/Services (hidden) folder:

cd macos/automator
chmod +x ./

If you need elevated privileges for copying the files use this command:

sudo sh ./

All Automator workflow settings are similar but the action parameter:

The workflows are then available at the "MindManager" main menu -> Services


I prefer to execute the python script directly from VSCode. Here you can easily adjust the settings, try different LLMs on the fly and even debug, if problems occur (external systems are sometimes not available).
There are some actions already predefined for quick execution.


How to use


First of all you have to open the in a text editor of your choice.
Don't be overwhelmed by the huge list of variables. Just pick the lines you need and set its values.
Use the apropriate LLM system for which you have an API key. These keys are available on the developer platforms of the AI vendors.
If you want to run local models with Ollama or GPT4All you have to have either a newer Apple Mac model with M1, M2, M3 processor or a desktop or notebook with NVidia graphic card with at least 8GB graphic ram.


You can have more than one open document in MindManager. The document which should be processed must be the active document. For every processing a new document with the new topics will be created.

To process the whole map, select the central topic (for right-clicking) or no topic at all (call macro manually (Windows), choose Automator Workflow from Mindmanager Menu -> Services or call the python script from VSCode or commandline python3 <action> <format>.

Map actions

Select the central topic or deselect all topics and call the automation.
You can also select one or more topics and start the automation for just these topics, e.g. to generate examples for these topics, refine just these topics etc.

Image generation

Just select the topics for which you want to generate an image and choose the action "Generate Image" (macro on Windows or Automator Workflow on macOS) or call the Python script with parameter image or image_n.
After a while, the image will be opened and also stored in the MindManager-Library Images-folder.
Unfortunately, on macOS the image cannot automatically be inserted into the map or added to a topic due to insufficient library support.
On Windows the image can be automatically set as the background image of the map.
The results from the generation process are good with DALL-E 3 and sometimes not as good with Stable Diffusion. Prompt crafting/engineering is still in progress.
For Stable Diffusion the filename is enriched with the generation seed. This seed is useful if you want to generate similar images (e.g. with different prompt). DALL-E 3 does not support a seed value anymore (by the time of writing).
The prompt for image generation can optionally be optimized using a LLM call. Images can also be generated locally on macOS with Apple Silicon using the native Apple MLX framework.

Generation using text summarization (eg. PDF to mindmap)

Put the files into the input-folder and use the action pdf_mindmap. The PDF files are first converted to markdown (MD) format. 'Reference' sections are removed as these contain no information but take a lot of tokens (e.g. arXiv papers). No OCR takes place by now. Tables are removed and the content will be highly sanitized by removing irrelevant characters, code blocks, href-links, whitespace etc.
Still lots of input-tokens are needed in order to summarize the text by the LLM. These models have been tested and are working by now: GPT-4o, Gemini 1.5 (Flash is doing a great job - even better than Pro!), Claude 3.5 Sonnet (after optimizing output errors).
There is no local LLM model using Ollama working for me by now.

LLM systems

Azure OpenAI / OpenAI

The solution is best tested with Azure OpenAI. Results are perfect for every use case. Execution time is quite fast using the newest GPT-4o model. Azure EntraID authentication can be used in enterprise scenarios.

Google Gemini / Vertex AI

Gemini Pro results are good. Gemini Flash does (most of the time) only generate up to 3 levels at max, so a refinement does currently not work.
Vertex AI needs an access token which has a default expiration time of just 1 hour (authentication flow is partly implemented).

Ollama (hosted locally - no internet access needed)

Ollama results are dependent on the used model. LLaMA3, Zephyr and Mixtral are working well.

Anthropic Claude 3 / 3.5

The newest Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet model seems to be best in class. Anthropic Claude 3 Opus ist also very good but little bit expensive. Anthropic Claude 3 Haiku is very cheap and betteer than GPT-3.5.

Groq (platform)

Groq is sure the fastest LLM platform by now. LLaMA3, Mixtral and Gemma2 are proven models.

Perplexity (platform)

Perplexity works perfect as an universal LLM platform.

MLX (hosted locally on Apple Silicon - no internet access needed)

MLX results are dependent on the used model. LLaMA3 works well.

Image generation systems

Azure OpenAI / OpenAI - DALL-E 3

The solution is best tested with Azure OpenAI. Results are very good. There is a problem with texts generated within images. Azure EntraID authentication can be used in enterprise scenarios.

Stability AI - Stable Diffusion 3

Image generation with SD3 is the most flexible, as you can use a seed value, negative prompt, etc. Prompt engineering is most important here, as the results are far from being perfect by now.

Google Vertex AI - Imagen3

Image generation results are too simple by now as prompt engineering is also most important here. Imagen3 has the highest image resolution (1:1 with 1536x1536). Imagen3 is GA (globally available) but there is an approval process to get access to the API.


Image generation is quite good using the V_2 model. When activating API access, keep in mind that generating an API key immediately results in a $40 bill.

MLX w/ Flux1, SD3

This local image generation alternative is only available on macOS with Apple Silicon processors like M1 and higher. The results are above average using Flux1 model and under average using SD3 mostly because the prompt is optimized for Flux1.
There is a new action defined (image_n eg. image=10) to generate a bunch of images in a row. A pre-executing step can be added to optimize the prompt using a LLM call. If there is only one topic selected there is a different prompt used as when more topics are selected. Only the first level of topics together with the central topic should be selected for better results.
When using this image generation way, the desired model and embeddings tokenizer will be downloaded automatically. The expected data amount to be downloaded is about 50GB using Flux1 and 6GB using SD3. If you are using SD3 for the first time you have to login at huggingface with your token first as you have to agree to the terms of Stability AI and the usage of their model: huggingface-cli login --token <xyz>. Downloaded models are cached at ~/.cache/huggingface.

Translation systems


Translation works for these languages:

# supported languages as source

# supported languages as target

Source language will be detected automatically. Formality parameter is not supported for all languages, so it is disabled by now. Context parameter was not used as DeepL states it's deprecated. API requests point to the free tier. If you have a paid subscription change the URL in the

Prompt crafting

Prompt crafting is lightly implemented using the following strategy:


Platform specific implementations


MindManager COM objects are addressed by using the PyWin32 library:


MindManager objects are addressed by using the AppScript library:

Implementation details

The Mermaid mindmap syntax is used when talking to the OpenAI LLM as an intermediate "language". Log file contents for input, output, prompt can be used in other use cases eg. mindmap visualizations in GitHub markdown files.


Log files content:

Example using a Mermaid mindmap in a GitHub markdown file.

  Creating an AI Startup
    Market Research
      Identify Target Audience
      Analyze Competitors
      Understand Market Trends
      Assess Market Needs
      Evaluate Market Size
    Business Model
      Define Value Proposition
      Choose Revenue Streams
      Plan Monetization Strategy
      Identify Cost Structure
      Determine Key Partnerships```  

Github rendering of the map:

  Creating an AI Startup
    Market Research
      Identify Target Audience
      Analyze Competitors
      Understand Market Trends
      Assess Market Needs
      Evaluate Market Size
    Business Model
      Define Value Proposition
      Choose Revenue Streams
      Plan Monetization Strategy
      Identify Cost Structure
      Determine Key Partnerships 

You can also use the content inside the Mermaid online editor (



The API execution time depends heavily on the used LLM model or system and token count.

Currently, this project is in the early development phase, and generated outputs may include errors. Automated testing has not yet been implemented.