robertdp / purescript-wire

Events and Signals for FRP. Monad instances included
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event frp signal wire


Wire aims to provide useful reactive tools: currently Event and Signal.


Event models asynchronous, discreet events over time, and are roughly analogous to Observables in RxJS.

Note: this implementation was largely inspired by FRP.Event from the purescript-event library. My implementation has a more restricted set of functionality, has immediate unsubscription (which works better when combined with React), and a monad instance.

Creating an event

create :: forall a. Effect { event :: Event a, push :: a -> Effect Unit }


periodically :: Milliseconds -> Effect (Event Unit)
periodically (Milliseconds ms) = do
  { event, push } <- Event.create
  setInterval (Math.floor ms) do
    push unit
  pure event

Subscribing to an event

subscribe :: forall a b. Event a -> (a -> Effect b) -> Effect (Effect Unit)


logToConsole :: forall a. Show a => Event a -> Effect (Effect Unit)
logToConsole event = Event.subscribe event Console.logShow

The Effect Unit being returned from Event.subscribe is the subscription canceller.

Extra functionality


Signal is like Event but it models a continuous value over time, with change events. As such you can always read the current value of a signal, as well as subscribe to future changes. Signals are build on top of Event, and also have a monad instance.

This was originally created for modelling application-level reactive state in React, for things like routing and user authentication.

Creating a signal

create :: forall a. a -> Effect { signal :: Signal a, modify :: (a -> a) -> Effect Unit }


createAuthSignal :: Effect { auth :: Signal (Maybe AuthData), login :: AuthData -> Effect Unit, logout :: Effect Unit }
createAuthSignal = do
  { signal, modify } <- Signal.create Nothing
    { auth: signal
    , login: \authData -> modify (const (Just authData))
    , logout: modify (const Nothing)

Sampling a signal

read :: forall a. Signal a -> Effect a

Subscribing to a signal

Subscribing to a signal is identical to events, with one exception: in the current implementation a signal will push it's current value to a new subscriber immediately (kind of like a ReplaySubject(1)).

subscribe :: forall b a. Signal a -> (a -> Effect b) -> Effect (Effect Unit)

Extra functionality