robertinant / EnergiaNG

open-source electronics prototyping platform
12 stars 3 forks source link


Stories in In Progress
Stories in Ready to Commit

What Is Energia?

Energia is a fork/port of Arduino for the Launchpads, or boards with MCUs from Texas Instruments.

What Are the LaunchPads Supported?

Energia provides native support for the following LaunchPads:

MSP430 LaunchPads:

TivaC LaunchPads:

MSP432 LaunchPads:

CC3200 LaunchPads:

Looking for Help?

No problem! There are a variety of resources available to get you up and running, and sprinting once you're up and running.

Clone instructions:

To clone Energia:

git clone

Building Energia

To build Energia you will need a copy of Apache ant and a recent JDK (1.8).

cd build
ant -buildfile build-energia.xml

Other build instructions are:

ant -buildfile build-energia.xml clean // clean the build
ant -buildfile build-energia.xml build // build
ant -buildfile build-energia.xml dist // build the distribution

For other more advanced build options see:



Energia is an open source project, supported by many.

Energia uses

GCC ARM Embedded toolchain, and code from Processing and Wiring, MSP430 gcc and mspdebug.