robertocarroll / chatui

How to make MEN part of the fabric of the city - Issues are the main issue tracker for this project
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How to remember the person and respond? #23

Closed robertocarroll closed 10 years ago

robertocarroll commented 10 years ago

Initial conversation needs to be different than one where the person has texted before.

robertocarroll commented 10 years ago

Building on #11

The pattern would be:

User: Hello Hubot: Hello. What a %weather variable% today. Thanks for waking me up. If you could describe me in three words, what would you say? User: big, old, quiet Hubot: Interesting. Someone else told me I was “%random.user word1, word2, word3%’.

robertocarroll commented 10 years ago

Lots to do but working to a testing / prototype level.